need2slin, albuternol, T-3, Clen??


Which one is a good fat loss supplement? Looking to loose some weight, body fat, but don't want to be sitting on the toilet all day long. (ie. Alli pills) Any input would be great. What about anavar?
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Which one is a good fat loss supplement? Looking to loose some weight, body fat, but don't want to be sitting on the toilet all day long. (ie. Alli pills) Any input would be great. What about anavar?

Depends on where you are physically wise, supplement history, stats, and goals.

I tried need2slin and became hooked. The product is incredible.

Thanks Conrad I think I'm going to give it a shot. I've heard all good things about it.
I've had success with Clen. If this is your first time getting aid with a cut, then you might just want to try ephedrine. I've found that it can be nearly as effective as heavier drugs and is a lot cheaper.