never done a cycle before but i want to !


New member
hi , ive been on steroidology for a while now .. and have been wanting to do aas for while aswell. i dunno what i would do if i got my hands on some but lets say i did, what should my cycle look like

im 21

been working out for 2 years , great reulst from that :) stopped for a 3-4 month period once and that was 6months ago. still gonna keep going !

so my question is if i were to do a cycle, what would it look like ?
In four years your cycle would look like a befinner's first cycle. Your post doesn't convince me that you're dedicated or serious- just looking for a quick fix. This shit is serious and you need to be older and prepared for the consequences. The Arnolds of the world are the exceptions not the norm. Train natty for four more years.
Yeah you need to eat and train for mass. Don't tell me you're 142 and want to stay as ripped as a skinny male model. "Abs on a skinny guy are like tits on a fat chick--they don't count."
man take these dudes advice its not a magic pill or injection that makes you big bro its hard work in the gym and the kitchen put the work in now for a few years lift heavy eat big and see where that gets you dont do something when your 21 that will effect you for life. Not to mention your testosterone at this point in your life is sky high
you keep asking that over and over... it's all in the stickies. Why do we have to repeat answers for you when they are already answered if you'd just read. a first cycle looks like test.
As for training? My 12yo daughter is 5'7" and 122lb rail thin. So what exactly was the great result of your working out? There's no way you're ready for a cycle.
you keep asking that over and over... it's all in the stickies. Why do we have to repeat answers for you when they are already answered if you'd just read. a first cycle looks like test.
As for training? My 12yo daughter is 5'7" and 122lb rail thin. So what exactly was the great result of your working out? There's no way you're ready for a cycle.

really puts it in prespective seeing how dudes daughter is not much smaller than you, this is not a bash you just need to educate yourself
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hi , ive been on steroidology for a while now .. and have been wanting to do aas for while aswell. i dunno what i would do if i got my hands on some but lets say i did, what should my cycle look like

im 21

been working out for 2 years , great reulst from that :) stopped for a 3-4 month period once and that was 6months ago. still gonna keep going !

so my question is if i were to do a cycle, what would it look like ?

I hate replying to your dumb threads because all you do is talk nonsense! You been on Ology for a while? Hhmmm lets see, your join date is Feburary. Ooh, and it is still fucken february! Dumbass.
Are you an imbecile? Stop posting up stupid threads for attention. What the Hell is wrong with you Boy?
I hate replying to your dumb threads because all you do is talk nonsense! You been on Ology for a while? Hhmmm lets see, your join date is Feburary. Ooh, and it is still fucken february! Dumbass.
Are you an imbecile? Stop posting up stupid threads for attention. What the Hell is wrong with you Boy?

hahah damn bro i take it you had enough of this dudes shit
you prob scared his ass away now he going to start over with new username hahaha and he prob is a 16 yr old kid fucking his shit all up
You need to read the stickys before anything else. And if u learn how to train and eat properly before AAS you should at least be able to get another 30-40 lbs on you before even considering a cycle