Hi all,
I read all about how body work and how our brain work from here - slimmingwithoutdiet.com/
This web site include one PDF. I like this idea and i`m trying to follow all advice already 2 weeks.
I have results, i lost 1 kg.
It`s not much but i didn`t change anything.
It`s good for me.
If someone try it too, leave a comment how does it work to you.
I read all about how body work and how our brain work from here - slimmingwithoutdiet.com/
This web site include one PDF. I like this idea and i`m trying to follow all advice already 2 weeks.
I have results, i lost 1 kg.
It`s not much but i didn`t change anything.
It`s good for me.
If someone try it too, leave a comment how does it work to you.