New Girl Need help with with diet plan and weight training, please help!


New member
Hi there, I'm a 19 year old female 5 ft 4 : 142lbs. I've been training at the gym since january and have lost going a minimum of 3 times a week when slacking but on average 5 times a week. I do 40 minutes of cardio and an hour of weights. I'm just starting to feel disheartened and i think it's simply because i'm not educated on knowing what im doing, i have noticed in a few places my muscles have become more solid but the overall look of my body hasn't changed, to get to the point i've uploaded a front and side profile of my body in which you can see i'm very bottom heavy, also what protein shake do i need whey? ...

I basically need a diet plan but it needs to be on a tight budget as i'm a student, also if somebody can advise how to get the weight off my legs and which machines would be best to use.

I am completely dedicated, i'll do anything i just dont feel like i'm physically being rewarded for what i'm putting in and if i'm not putting in enough i can put in more, Also would you recommend steroids if i'm trying to achieve a tight defined body?

Any tips on anything to do with what i want to achieve would be much appreciated. Thank you!!
Post up your current diet. This will reveal where your problem lies. If you like, you can post it in 3J's thread where he can recommend changes.
Welcome to Ology Samantha.

First things first, changing your body's overall appearance is a slower process than most people think. Most of your body is made in the kitchen and that is where most mess it up.

As far as nutrition goes try altering your eating habits by eating more often and keep your foods clean, also COUNT YOUR CALORIES. Heres a few simple rules to follow as you dial in your nutrition.
1. no sugar (refined)
2. no complex carbs after noon
3. drink at least a gallon of water a day ( this will keep your body from holding on to excess water).
4. eat 5-6 meals a day ( I personally eat 8 a day), the trick is to eat before your hungry. The second your body tells you your hungry it starts storing fat.
5. find your daily caloric needs. Just a ballpark number here but try 1100cals a day, see if that gets you to lose. About a pound to 2lbs a week is the goal. Adjust your calories up or down 200 at a time as needed.

About your getting the weight off your legs, thats strictly diet. Any machine work will increase muscle but won't get rid of that adipose tissue.
Stay away from steroids for now, your way too young. And without proper nutrition they wouldn't do much for you anyway.
Oh, and don't worry about protein shakes. You should concentrate on getting your proteins from whole foods i.e. chicken, fish, lean red meat, turkey and so on.

Just to let you know, your looking pretty good right now. Keep it up and good luck.
Welcome Samantha. It sounds like your in the rite track. The key is to stay consistent and learn as you go and then dial everything in. I gaurantee it's your diet. Post your diet exactly what you consume every day with times.
Welcome to ology Samantha!
With dedication you can achieve anything you want. And you got that. Like it was said above, you re on the right track! I think you just need to adjust your diet, everything else looks good. I also agree with Killboy, you are looking pretty good right now... a few diet tricks and you will get to your goal, but as you know, it takes time.
Good luck Sam
Stay motivated ;)
Welcome to Ology... I think you look pretty good right now. If you want to "get a tight defined body" as you put it, diet is key.. for me anyways. I naturally don't have good genetics for being lean so when I'm lean, that means I'm really working hard on my diet and limiting carbs. You may also want to drop your weights time and add more to your cardio time if you are still trying to lose... Just my 2 cents..
Hi Samantha,

Some of this advice here is good and some is not so much. 1100 calories would be too low for you, you'd need to work out your calorie needs for a day and tailor a diet that cuts just beneath that. You can eat carbs after noon, carbs are not the issue, it's making sure they are the right choice and right amount. Just taper off the amount through the day, but all your meals should get smaller through the day. Diet is a big part of it, but your training may need work, too. You mentioned machines and I shook my head a little! Your legs will do great with squats, step ups, lunges and cardio. Those fancy machines are useless IMHO. Diet takes care of the rest. If you come over to the women's forum there are a few more females who can help guide you. And steroids are not needed.

Could you post up your daily diet and calories so we can see where you're going wrong.

Good luck and hope to see you in there ;)

Welcome to Ology Samantha.

First things first, changing your body's overall appearance is a slower process than most people think. Most of your body is made in the kitchen and that is where most mess it up.

As far as nutrition goes try altering your eating habits by eating more often and keep your foods clean, also COUNT YOUR CALORIES. Heres a few simple rules to follow as you dial in your nutrition.
1. no sugar (refined)
2. no complex carbs after noon
3. drink at least a gallon of water a day ( this will keep your body from holding on to excess water).
4. eat 5-6 meals a day ( I personally eat 8 a day), the trick is to eat before your hungry. The second your body tells you your hungry it starts storing fat.
5. find your daily caloric needs. Just a ballpark number here but try 1100cals a day, see if that gets you to lose. About a pound to 2lbs a week is the goal. Adjust your calories up or down 200 at a time as needed.

About your getting the weight off your legs, thats strictly diet. Any machine work will increase muscle but won't get rid of that adipose tissue.
Stay away from steroids for now, your way too young. And without proper nutrition they wouldn't do much for you anyway.
Oh, and don't worry about protein shakes. You should concentrate on getting your proteins from whole foods i.e. chicken, fish, lean red meat, turkey and so on.

Just to let you know, your looking pretty good right now. Keep it up and good luck.
Hi Samantha,

Welcome to the forums. From one new girl to another, I know exactly how you feel. Don't give up and get as much research in as you can. You are making a great decision to get into shape, esp. at 19. The things you learn now can help you achieve a lifetime of fitness.

Keeping track of everything you put into your body for a week is a great idea. Then you can put everything into FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal and post it up on 3J's free diet advice. I truly believe the vast majority of the success we achieve starts in the kitchen.

Also, if you haven't done so, visit the women's forum. There are so many helpful and knowledgeable females here.