New member need a little help


New member
Okay so first things first, i paid a private nutritionist to come up with a diet plan for me so MY DIET IS PERFECT. Now that thats out of the way, Im 5'9" 155lbs with 12% body fat. I train hard with heavy weight hard reps. my weekly gym hours are around 8hours/week and my routines are solid. my goal is to gain size and mass.

Monday: chest/tris
Wednesday: leg/shoulders (i use body weight and exercises with little knee stress for legs)
Friday: back/biceps

So, my diet is spot on and my training is spot on. Ive put in the hard work and effort to be able to be ready to start a cycle and that time has come. Now i ask you guys and open to your suggestions but not open to bashing. I have been recommended using tren/winny decca/anavar. Im looking for advice on what to use and what to cycle it with and dosage of both. Lets see what you guys got!
That cycle is retarded for a beginner. Winstrol is notorious for inducing joint pain, which is gonna mess you up since your first cycle is going to put your strength through the roof. Deca, you'll need a little extra for the PCT which I notice you didn't even post up. Tren is way too strong for you at this stage of the game. Go with Testosterone Enanthate. If your diet is as "perfect" (perfect for what? bulking, cutting?), and you have a "good" workout routine (body weight legs?), then Test E should give you a good 20 + pounds I'd be willing to say. 20 lbs on a 5'9 male is a substantial change in look.
First cycle should be test only. Tren is very harsh and not for beginners.
when would you introduce an anabolic to the body? im guessing the term "you have to start somewhere" doesnt apply? and i forgot to state my supplements.. im taking fish oils, liv 52, SCREAM for pre-workout and iso-100 for protein. i am trying to get a solid cycle structure
oh my gosh. I just seen a post jsut like this one earlier tonight. Dude come on you weigh 155 pounds! Your diet is not in check clearly if it was then you wouldnt weigh no 155 pounds first off! why do AAS if you dont eat already? Food is what gets your gain not AAS. You cant just expect to take AAS and only eat 3000 cals a day!. You have no right in doing AAS! you are way to small. and dont have much experience at all in the weight room clearly if you weigh that. The cycle that you suggested is the most stupidest cycle i have ever seen a first timer want to run lol. You need to do a couple of year of research and train for about 5 years before you touch AAS! Your not anywhere close to that. Im sick and tired of seeing these types of threads everyday! what about anybody else? lol
That cycle is retarded for a beginner. Winstrol is notorious for inducing joint pain, which is gonna mess you up since your first cycle is going to put your strength through the roof. Deca, you'll need a little extra for the PCT which I notice you didn't even post up. Tren is way too strong for you at this stage of the game. Go with Testosterone Enanthate. If your diet is as "perfect" (perfect for what? bulking, cutting?), and you have a "good" workout routine (body weight legs?), then Test E should give you a good 20 + pounds I'd be willing to say. 20 lbs on a 5'9 male is a substantial change in look.
i have a degenerative knee condidtion that makes it tough to train hard on legs. just clearing that up. by PCT do you mean bf post cycle therapy (pct)? and my diet was created for bulking. i will research testosterone enanthate right now. is it an oral or inject? i think you hit the nail on the head information wise.. sorry for the mixup with information on my part. 20lbs more is actually my realistic goal weight for 2013. thanks man
oh my gosh. I just seen a post jsut like this one earlier tonight. Dude come on you weigh 155 pounds! Your diet is not in check clearly if it was then you wouldnt weigh no 155 pounds first off! why do AAS if you dont eat already? Food is what gets your gain not AAS. You cant just expect to take AAS and only eat 3000 cals a day!. You have no right in doing AAS! you are way to small. and dont have much experience at all in the weight room clearly if you weigh that. The cycle that you suggested is the most stupidest cycle i have ever seen a first timer want to run lol. You need to do a couple of year of research and train for about 5 years before you touch AAS! Your not anywhere close to that. Im sick and tired of seeing these types of threads everyday! what about anybody else? lol

your bashing. i have done my research which is how i know that proper nutrition is the key to building a body. if you expect to get ripped off cheese burgers then theres a problem. it might be working for you but everyone is different. ask me more questions instead of making assumptions. i am obviously here for HELP. Now, my diet consists of high calories (chicken, fish, beef, beans, potatoes) high carbs for lunch.View attachment 547936
i have a degenerative knee condidtion that makes it tough to train hard on legs. just clearing that up. by PCT do you mean bf post cycle therapy (pct)? and my diet was created for bulking. i will research testosterone enanthate right now. is it an oral or inject? i think you hit the nail on the head information wise.. sorry for the mixup with information on my part. 20lbs more is actually my realistic goal weight for 2013. thanks man

It's good you came here because you have a lot to learn. I'm not gonna spoon feed you, but I'll give you some hints. Things go better when you understand why you do what you do instead of just doing what you are told to do. PCT has nothing to do with body fat... It has to do with keeping your gains after cycle, not growing tits, attempting to keep your sex drive, etc. There's a sticky at the top of this forum about post cycle therapy (pct), you need to read it. As for testosterone enanthate, look that up too... It's an inject. 2x a week. Common dose for a noob (even a good dose for someone who has cycled before) is 500mg/week.
It's good you came here because you have a lot to learn. I'm not gonna spoon feed you, but I'll give you some hints. Things go better when you understand why you do what you do instead of just doing what you are told to do. PCT has nothing to do with body fat... It has to do with keeping your gains after cycle, not growing tits, attempting to keep your sex drive, etc. There's a sticky at the top of this forum about post cycle therapy (pct), you need to read it. As for testosterone enanthate, look that up too... It's an inject. 2x a week. Common dose for a noob (even a good dose for someone who has cycled before) is 500mg/week.
ahh i didnt catch the acronym. i usually see it as just PC (post cycle). anyways i want to clarify that i WILL NOT take anything without being fully aware of the products and until i have a solid cycle/post cycle structure, nothing is going in my body... i don't want to be like most of the idiots on here and take a bunch of random junk and end up unhealthy.
500mg/week for 8weeks test enanthate. as far as a PC i know your supposed to start 3 weeks after last injection and total PC should be 4 weeks? is there something i am supposed to stack with test enanthate or is it something i can take by itself? and as far as a PC for it goes, i read about nolvadex and clomid. I know that the PC is the most crucial part but its where things start to get blurry. i know the importance of it and know the structure due to countless hours of site browsing but i get lost in the thousands of post cycle supplements.
My first cycle was Winstrol (winny) and anavar for 8 joint pain, no pct and no ai...I got fucking shredded. Problem was I finished at the beginning of holiday season so I lost it :( I LOVE FOOD!
I'd definetly say read up some more. But for a first cycle I would just do test E for 12 weeks at 500mg's a week 2 shots a week. Have nolva and clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). During your cycle keep an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand like aromasin incase you start to get bloating or sensitive nipples and you feel gyno setting in.
I'm not gonna spoon feed you, but I'll give you some hints. Things go better when you understand why you do what you do instead of just doing what you are told to do.

Exactly that.

NoShortCuts, it's good that you came to learn. All that people on here are getting at is that you can't just post questions and expect answers right away. Keep searching on your own, and if there's something you legitimately need clarification or more info on, then post. You clearly haven't done much research just from reading your initial post (taking Tren for your 1st cycle? No way). Everyone starts somewhere, so being new to the game isn't wrong - but asking questions before you've looked around for yourself is. Take care and good luck.
You have a good base but whats the rush. No need to do tren your first cycle. At your height I would at least be 170-175 before I start my first cycle. If your diet is in check and you train hard like you said, then you can easily obtain this. Im 6'1 and I started my first ph "cycle" at 184 and blew up to 215 at the peak of cycle and ended it at 210 (minimal fat gain and dropped bf). If you are dead set on starting a cycle start with test-e 500mg/week for 12 weeks. You need to see how your body reacts to this basic compound first.