been lurking a while now a member of the ology.
I'm 53 years old
6 ft
Now 239.0 lbs down from 280.lbs
Around 12% body fat
working out on & off for 20 years.
working out 3 years strait now
reading up on things in the forums thinking of taking the next step (Gear)
The worst thing you can be is average & It's nener to late to start
been lurking a while now a member of the ology.
I'm 53 years old
6 ft
Now 239.0 lbs down from 280.lbs
Around 12% body fat
working out on & off for 20 years.
working out 3 years strait now
reading up on things in the forums thinking of taking the next step (Gear)
The worst thing you can be is average & It's nener to late to start
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