New .. "second" Cycle


New member
Hey everyone, I am in the process of doing my first show come September. I recently got on TRT, and doc has me running 200 of Test C a week with .05 cc of Deca (I bumped it up to 1 cc). 1 tab of aromasin and 25 iu of HCG a week.

I'm getting to run my own cycle and wanted to know thoughts. New legit cycle would be 400mg of Test E, 100mg of Tren, and 100mg of Deca. I was suggested to do the usual 2 pins a week of test with Tren every three days and deca every week (sound good or nah?) . I will most likely be doing a 10-12 week cycle. I've also heard mixed things of running deca and tren together but, everyone is different

Also as far as quantity for this cycle (I've never placed an order before) How much of everything would I need to last. I was told to get two of everything (test e 250, Deca 250, Tren A 100) I will also be getting enough for PCT (2 of everything) to ensure i have enough

PCT would be clomid, nolvadex, and aromasin (run throughout the complete cycle). I'm also trying to get my hands on for the new cycle but need to find a source, also will need suggestions on PCT dosage.

I know someone is gonna troll me for my stats. Lifting history is over 10+ years natty, current weight is 247, height is 6ft 4 with a bf around 10-12%. I've seen a recent increase in water weight since running the trt (week 6). But I've also seen massive gains on only 200mg of test c so i'm kinda hype to see what a full cycle will do.

So any feedback will be welcomed, even smartasses :). Just be open to smart ass comebacks, its all love, thanks in advance to everyone!

Also what do u guys think of ordering online? anyone care to share their experience? Lotta locals are saying stay away/ you can get in trouble etc., but I really think thats because they wanna raise the tax on their own shit.
Lemme start with some questions:
Your Dr is ok with you doing a blast?
Any reason not to just start with a nice, simple 500mg test only blast?

And some answers/barbs:
I never buy local, but have ordered domestic
Dude, you gotta get a better handle on your dosages. How many mls tells us nothing
Deca & tren are not normally run together cuz they are both 19-nor. Kinda frowned upon, especially for beginners

And many more but let's start with these
Do you have any current pics? 6'4 247 at 10-12 br you must be pretty shredded.
I would just do the blast with test 500/wk, if not, test/500, deca 500. Aromasin or arimidex throughout cycle not during pct and something like pramiprexole for the deca. Do the math for how many weeks with your chosen dosage to figure out how many you need to buy dude. If the test is 250mg/ml and you run 500/wk than 1 will last 5 weeks... get it? Don't mess with tren till you have more experience. There are board sponsors you can look into for ordering things, which many of us use and are good. Most of your questions can be answered in the beginner cycle stickies btw, hope i was helpful, good luck man
You have posed more questions than you warrant answers. If you just started trt 6 weeks ago through a doc, you can't start a cycle right now. He's going to be pulling bloodwork every so often to check all your levels. Starting a cycle now will most definitely get you kicked off of trt.
Why are you asking about pct if your on trt? You don't do a pct when your on trt.
How are you even planni g to run tren ace at 100mgs per week? You do know tren ace is a short ester compound that needs pinned every other day?
As far as asking us to figure out how much gear you need, you should be able to figure it out yourself. This is some kindergarten shit when it comes to cycles.

I can't help but to question literally everything you posted. None of it makes absolutely any sense whatsoever. You say your on trt through a doc but he has you taking just one tab of aromasin every week. There's no way.
Your stats are very impressive for a vet on here. I don't believe your at that bodyfat just starting trt. If that's the case, you would be weeks out from stepping on stage. You want to run ai and pct during the complete cycle? Do you know what pct stands for?

It seems you are either trolling over severly ignorant to how trt and steroids in general work. I would suggest reading the beginner cycle stickys and the trt forums. You do not have the knowledge to run a cycle. Especially not with deca and tren in it while just starting trt 6 weeks ago. You better reevaluate your situation and put a better foot forward.