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Hey, my name is Derek. I'm 26 and have been working out since I was 22. I never did any sports in high school and was always the fat kid last picked for dodgeball. I couldn't get laid for shit so I said fvck everyone Imma get in shape. I went from 350+ to 238(that's the lowest I saw on the scale) in less than 2 years. I had no idea what I was doing just kind of starved myself and worked out. I ended up getting a girl and kind of gave up on working out and over a matter of a couple years went back up to 315. I put on some good muscle during that time because I would hit 5-day splits for like 2-3 months at a time then stop for 2-3 months. Just kind of bull shitting. At the beginning of this year I got sick of all the excuses and bullshit and got serious about my physical fitness once again and went from 315 to ~280. I've been stuck here for the past couple months and am having trouble getting down any further. I'm 5'11" and these are my measurements the last time I got them taken.
Chest 52

Right arm

Left arm

waist 46

hips 46.5

right 24.5
left 25

right 18.5
left 18.5

Body fat % 30.3

BMI 38.8

Body weight 278

Fat weight 84.2

Lean weight 193.8

The BF% was taken using one of those machines where you hold onto it, I haven't gotten calipers taken in sometime and plan on doing so at my local gym here pretty shortly. My diet is pretty clean. I don't eat any fast food nor do I eat sweet or anything. Most of the time I just feel like my body type and BMR is just fucked by bad genes lol. I can describe what I eat if you wish, but I've been on this journey now for like I said 4 years, it's actually more like closer to 5, and anytime I do the 5 smaller meal thing with certain amount of protein per meal and whatever I also stay at a plateu or gain weight. I eat 3 smaller meals a day. Breakfast is 2/3cup quinoa with 1/3 cup hemp seeds with 3-4 tbsp of almond butter. Lunch is 2 servings of cheerios with fat free milk, and dinner is a can of tuna and a light progresso soup. I just started this type of diet like 2 weeks ago because I realized I kept gaining weight with the 5 meal plan. It's like I forget what works in order to lose weight then beat myself up for not knowing or for really just not making any progress with losing, I stop looking at the big picture, which I think anyone/everyone in fitness/working out can get caught up in sometimes.
I'm not too concerned with losing muscle mass, as it's very easy for me to put it back on, and I do put in hard work. Currently I swim 3-4 times a week, 2 street runs a week, then do a combo cardio day 2 times a week. I was running or swimming every morning after work (I work graveyard at a hospital 5 days a week) then weights when I woke up (5-day split chest/back/legs/arms/shoulders M-F) but I was supping creatine and eating for the gains with lifting and got sick of seeing the scale go up. .

anyways I'm sure I'm boring you guys. I'm kind of sick of being at the weight I am and have been contemplating doing a cutting cycle, but really want to stay natural because I'm in recovery and have been clean for 6 years 8 months and some change. Yes I'm an addict to street drugs, and I do go to meetings, have a sponsor and all that. Staying physically fit is part of that I believe. Thanks!
Best advise i can give you my friend is stay clean. Dont mess with AAS. Consider looking and your diet. Maybe consult with 3j. He can help you obtain your goal naturally.

At 30% body fat you will run into too many problems using AAS. Your body will convert the testosterone to oestrogen.

Go to the diet section of this forum and search for 3j.

This is where you want to be investing your money... stay clean my friend. I too have had addictions to street drugs and have been clean now for 10 years.
thanks bro! 3j is a user on here? good shit on the clean time brotha! I'm glad I didn't just jump in hot sauce without joining this forum!!
thanks bro! 3j is a user on here? good shit on the clean time brotha! I'm glad I didn't just jump in hot sauce without joining this forum!!

Yes, he is a user and owner 3J'S NUTRITION NETWORK. He has threads in the diets section.

Im glad you didnt just jump in as well. A sure recipe to fuck your self up for good. Do heaps of research. AAS are not as forgiving as other substances. You need to make sure everything is in place.

Stick around the forum, you will learn alot.
I lurked this forum as a guest when I was 275 40% I'm 210 12% 15 months later with no aas(yet anyway;))! Just good Ol 40/40/20 clean diet, lifting heavy and some slow steady cardio after lifting. So thank you Ology! Keep reading and applying your new found knowledge dcollister!
You gotta give yourself some variety...there are recipes on this forum. Also you should incorporate a cheat meal or two scheduled in the afternoon so you can take a break from dieting. However, I recommend first training yourself to eat clean for a loonnng time then start eating bad and let me know how you feel. You won't want to eat shitty anymore trust me. If you dabble with bad foods and cheat all the time you never give your body time to repair itself thus you never know what it really feels like to feel "healthy." Good luck man.