NEW TO PEPTIDES - Advice needed for PEG MGF


New member
I"m running my first peptide cycle.

Last week I started -

GHRP-2 and Mod Grf CJC w/o DAC at 100 mcg 3x daily

I'm already feeling some benefits!

I had been told in the past that PEG-MGF could be a good addition to this routine as it has some unique abilities. However my research has told me otherwise (that regular MGF is better and that PEG-MGF is to be used on non workout days only).

I'm currently working out 3x a week. I pin in the AM, Post w/o (or on off days in the afternoon), and at bedtime.

I've already ordered the PEG-MGF, so I'm stuck with it (can't be that

Should I use it on off days only (as I've read)? Should I shoot IM or Subq?

This is what I have been told about using it with GHRP2 and Mod-Grf -

"My suggestion wouldnt change. mgf is what proliferates muscle cells, not igf-1. Igf-1 differentiates. And what you want is local igf-1, which is released from growth hormone pulses. Mgf isnt the same thing as igf-1, it just binds to the receptor after you lift. So mgf can bind to the igf-1 receptor. Mgf is also referred to as igf-1ec because it shares the receptor, but it is very different. What you are asking is if the mgf + ghrp combo can raise your genetic potential permanently. And the answer is yes. You dont need steroids. this combo will cover you at both angles from cellular proliferation, differentiation, and increased GH for body recomposition. So you run the mgf for about 6 weeks at 200mcg/day while using the ghrp+mod-grf combo 2-3 times a day during and another 6 weeks after and your done. Then you can run a bulk and you will be able to raise the cross sectional area of those new units due to increased protein synthesis and potential. Peg-mgf is no joke".

So....What do you guys think? I'd really appreciate the dosing help, as I said its been ordered, so its on the way.

i site inject it into the muscle 200mcg (100 each side eg. 100 each bicep) the day after i worked said muscle because i work out 5-6 times a week. however if you are only working out 3 times a week do it on your off days. i believe the theory is to avoid injecting close to workout times so you dont blunt the bodies natural mgf production hence doing it on off days works best.