New to the forum and wanting to learn just like you did once!


New member
Hey guys,

I'm new to this forum and im wanting to learn more and more about the different types of steroids that are out in today's market, that will help me with my training and growth.

I'm not asking what is the best, it comes down to budget, type of products (stacks), etc... but what im asking is a good part of the website to learn the basics so i can grips a learning curve, learn how to use the forum and get to know everyone on here :) but most of all learn not to cycle products and not harm myself!

I'm 23 years of ages, 6'4
weighing at 85kg
with a bf % at 12%

I find it hard to put size on and my training/diet is more then good enough, im even seeing a Nutritionist.

this bulk cycle coming up (cannot wait!) im wanting to cycle something along the lines of a steroid(s), this brings me here! so im wondering, where did people start on this website to learn about the different types, side effects, etc etc...

links would be perfect as this website is soooo big! alot of it doesn't make sense to me, as of yet.

I'm sure everyone on this website will be more then happy help with my learning and get me started to get more knowledge and size!
