Newbie looking for advice


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I'm 25, been working out for about a year and a half, 5'10" 178 around 14% BF.

I've researched anabolics for a while now, love experimenting with chemicals and trying new things. However, I'm dreadfully afraid of testosterone shut down, and am not looking for that "I'm clearly on steroids look". I figure SARMs are the only option for me, seeing as legality and legitimate sources are high priorities. That being said, does anything exist that'll give me improved results without substantial risk of shutdown or lingering side effects? I'm not looking for a miracle drug, mostly just want to retain my gains on a cut. Screwing around with my hormones, and ultimately ending up with lower testosterone than I normally have is something I'd like to avoid. I imagine there are lots of people in the same boat as me and am looking for advice.
SARMs shut your HPTA down too while having lessor results than AAS.

Food is Anabolic. Maybe you should work on your diet. Best of all, food will not shut down your HPTA.
on the right top corner theres a search bar, put 3J Diet. read it . contact him. spend a little and get gains without gear first.
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I'd say my diet is very good compared to the average person, and fair compared to the average fitness enthusiast. I hit all my macros, but don't count calories. I appreciate the advice though.
if thats the case then as your first cycle you should do TEST only for 12 weeks with HCg and an AI to combat e2. do a proper pct at the end and you should be able to get everything back to normal.
I'd say my diet is very good compared to the average person, and fair compared to the average fitness enthusiast. I hit all my macros, but don't count calories. I appreciate the advice though.

Really? 5'10" at 178 lbs with 14% body fat... I would say there is room for improvement. Put on another 20 lbs by eating more.

How did you determine your body fat %?
You talk about maintaining gains. Well with or without AAS or pro-hormones or any supplements, it's eating (your diet) and continual training. There is nothing that retains gains of muscle mass other than food, training and proper rest.
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I have a body fat scale, def not the most accurate. Bulked up to 190-195 over the winter at around 18%. Been on a cut for about 4-5 weeks, with continued training.
If you really want to lose the fat, you need to increase your cardio while on point with a proper diet. GW50 can help you with endurance to get more cardio done, but like everyone has said, 3J is the best choice. Dial in the diet, learn how everything interacts, get a workout plan from him as well, and do weekly check ins where he alters your food plan as needed. His cost is low, but what you learn you keep forever.