Newbie Looking for help. Questions, questions, questions.


New member
Howdy all first time here to the website and I have been reading a lot since I logged in and finally decided to ask some questions.

To start off I'd like to give my stats so everyone who may give me advice can see what they are working with.

I'm 25
260lbs fat.
Have recently decided to start going back to the gym but between school and work I dont have a lot of time.

Before I gained all of this weight I was fairly trim 215lbs tone little pot belly but nothing like I am now.

My history is more or less like this.

Highschool I was same height weighed in at about 180ish? School gym everyday ect.

But after school I just loss mass and I mean a lot of it.

so as the years have gone on and I have gotten older my lifestyle got more seditary my jobs were less physical and I started ot gain weight.

I'd say at the age of 23 I decided to make a change and started working out at home.

Pushups pull ups anything I could do to be physical. My diet was fair and my job was running a weed wacker for a grass cutting company so you could imagine I was walking miles and I mean miles everyday. Right before I decided to make this change I just spoke of I was about 240ish? maybe 230ish? either way I was not happy and I dropped to 215-210.

But not a couple years later I am back up to 260lbs maybe 255ish either way I am overweight.

To move on to a more ontopic point to this post I want/need advice. My brother has been pushing me to go to the gym and finally I am about to step forward and do it. Today will be my first day back. The thing of it is I would like to get big, not anything extreme but I want to be proud of myself and my image and I am willing to try some things to get there a little faster then before.

Currently all my friends and brother are taking some form or steroid wether it be winnie or test dbol so on and so on, its not something we talk about in public but its more of a private chit chat when these things come up.

If you can imagine the peer pressure that is being placed on me I'm sure you could understand. In all honesty they didn't have to try hard at all lol. The results I see in my friends is great but I am just not sure what is right for me.

Finally my income is tight, not saying I have no extra to spend but I would really like to not have to spend more then I need to.

On to the questions.

What is right for me?

What should I start with first?

Should I use oral or oil?


Is Clen something I would want to help burn fat? (my diet is high protein as is and since I am going back to the gym it will become even more protein oreiented)

I dont know where I should purchase these things from, my friends have 'guys' but they seem to be a rip off of what I see around on the net.

If you have any advice for me please feel free to comment away. Its not that I don't trust my friends, I would just like to get some advice from others as well and combine the knowledge.

Thanks to anyone who views and thank you for you're help ahead of time if you decide to contribute to my success story in the making!
Start back working out and quit drinking beer. Be honest with yourself, if you got to a fat 260 your diet sucks. Get it right. You have to get real fucking anal with it no more mickey mouse bullshit. People that are in good shape and look good work for it and pay attention to details, it just doesn't happen because of some far superior genetics (although that does not hurt).

Your friends are probably fucking retarted, not to take anything away from them. The fact is there are a lot of people out there at the gyms that dont know shit about diet, lifting or dope. If they were even talking doing only dianabol alone or winstrol i would stay away.

Before considering dope get your body fat down, i would say to 15% or so. You are probably really up there in the body fat range, 25 or 28% i would guess. Get it down.

If you nail the diet it will not take long. Once you get it down only entertain idea of some testosterone injections thats it.

What ever you do dont get on winstrol or dianabol alone. your pecker will go floppy and you will probably get bitch tits worse that you already fell like you have at 28%

I like to hear of people getting motivated. Stay there, with good diet and lifting with half of a brain you can change real fast. You are only 25 man, it will be fine.
before you even think of gear. you need to train and diet and take off some of the excess weight. once thats in place i think its ok to think about running a test cycle. As far as running an eca stack or clen i think you can throw this in with your diet routine and workouts. 2wk on 2 off. jmo gl
ECA stack please explain.

From a rough Calculation my BMI is 35% but that was just using the tool from the first link in google. I know I still have muscle so it could be lower.
and as far as Clen I was directed to no idea if its real or not but I cant really afford to take chances and get screwed.
And thank you guys for your advice so far it means a lot. I just dont want to do anything stupid and do it right otherwise I'd just rather not do it at all.
Dont do clenbuterol or ephedrine or caffeine or any of that shit.

Learn how to eat right and exercise.

Fuck the thermogenics.

At 35% bmi you can drop weight like a mad man just cutting the calories. This is the approach that works, stick to it and get good results.
still fuck the thermogenics, but if you have a hard on for them save them until you are 9% body fat looking to get to 8% or something. That is where it starts to get hard.

Count your calories and know it cold. Everything that goes in your pie hole. Count it.
I have not tried anything of the sort before but it was said I should to help cut the weight since that is my main concern.

Please inform me if I am crossing any lines here but as far as Clen where would I go to get it, I know the other 2 I could get at any gas station I am sure.
listen to nate, he really knows his shit. save that shit for later when it gets tough. like any drug you body will respond best to them the first time they are introduced. Just work on your diet, add some red bull here and there to help stimulate your metabolism. And get your ass on the treadmill and stationary. 30-45 min of cardio a day for a couple months and you will be amazed. Anything in life that is worth having requires hard work and dedication. Its not gonna happen overnight, but if you work hard you can look and feel good this summer.
Hey new to this forum old to the game. I recently did a 3 week cycle of clen/cytomel.
I am 73" or 6'1" 250lbs.
I weighed in at the very beginning at the 250 I began my pyramid as everyone should and while on them I was also on Zoloft and serequel for depression. Now a side effect of the Zoloft is weight loss and a side effect of the serequel is weight gain so I hoped they canceled each other out.
I ramped up to close to 150mg for 5 days then back down with the cytomel. I did not exercise during this period even though it is highly reccommended to do so. I did know the meds I took were the real deal and that I saw a dramatic reduction in body fat but not in body weight. I lost in the ball park of 2 1/2" of fat around my waist. I know this of course because I had to punch a new hole in my belt to keep my pants from falling off.
So conclusions to be drawn :
#1 Thailand is a place of wonder and excitement and once you find that one trustworthy place you are golden.
#2 This stack works well with almost zero diet and zero exercise.
#3 Use this stack before you are ready to start in on the gear.
#4 Order enough so after you are off the clen/cytomel for a month you have enough on hand to do a second one while on gear.
#5 Order ketotifen with the clen/cytomel so you are able to cycle the clen for 6-8 weeks straight.
#6 Find that place in Thailand that everything is the real deal, you might pay a small amount more but piece of mind is priceless.
Brain fart... Red Bull = $$$
Refill a RB empty w/H2O + powders of what the actives are plus whatever you need (ephedrine caffeine taurine yohimbine ... ?). Lose weight without cutting calories (or counting) see Atkins diet bulletin board . com for more ...

I'd like to try some new things too, such as clem, but diet comes first. STUDY!!!