Hey guys really new to steroids and needing some advice.
Im 34 weigh around 79kg and 179cm tall.
I take propecia for hairloss. Heading europe for summer vacay in 5 weeks so just started a cycle of 100ml tren e and 350 test cyp, 1ml each every 5 days. Question i have, is this worth it ? Will gains come? And will it affect hairloss and will sides be harsh? Also will i need pct at this dosage? I know this sounds weak but we are all here to talk aloud so any advice would be mint.
Im 34 weigh around 79kg and 179cm tall.
I take propecia for hairloss. Heading europe for summer vacay in 5 weeks so just started a cycle of 100ml tren e and 350 test cyp, 1ml each every 5 days. Question i have, is this worth it ? Will gains come? And will it affect hairloss and will sides be harsh? Also will i need pct at this dosage? I know this sounds weak but we are all here to talk aloud so any advice would be mint.