newbie test questions

yes brother asking questions is a form of research, but it is one thing to ask a question and another to understand the answer that is the goal to understand the cause and effect of what your doing by reading all the info you can you will gain knowledge and understand and retain, there are over 250,000 members on ology over 600,000 threads and 3,000,000 post this is awsome i bet every question you can think of is on here, just want the best for you and that with research.............
Test only is the recommendation so you know how you react to that product, typical 500 mg split into bi-weekly doses. You need to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) product on hand and consider dosing when you start the cycle, dose and schedule will vary according to the product you get.
Also be prepared for the post cycle therapy with the meds necessary to kick the boys back into production.
If you read the serm, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and pct sticky you will have a good start

Ok thanks. But on the other hand the four injections I did previously seemed to kick in fast. By the second week I had some troubles sleeping. Waking up sweating w a raging hard on and really vivid dreams. Kinda had me worried so that's why I came here for advise. And I was told it was normal for these side effects. Dreams, sweating, and boners. And they said it would be better to take a step back start over do some more research, Reboot and start fresh.

I have looked at alot of post. and taking a just test first cycle is good to see how I react. And knowing everyone is different. Some people say you won't notice anything till like week four. But I did and it was week two. But i dont think it was just in my head because I never have dreams that crazy or sweating that bad. Also I'm not wanting to do a second or third cycle. So if 20 lbs gains is in just taking the test for a 12 week cycle then that's fine with me.
yes brother asking questions is a form of research, but it is one thing to ask a question and another to understand the answer that is the goal to understand the cause and effect of what your doing by reading all the info you can you will gain knowledge and understand and retain, there are over 250,000 members on ology over 600,000 threads and 3,000,000 post this is awsome i bet every question you can think of is on here, just want the best for you and that with research.............

I understand. Thank you. I'll chill out and just keep reading till I figure out better questions that I can't answer myself.
I have been researching about it and I havent bought anything yet I'm trying to figure out what all I need. Also I was just making sure that the 300mg of test300 would just be 1cc I'm not that dumb but I want to be 100% sure before I start sticking myself. Also for the PCT I'm sure on what to get for it I was told by a guy that he used Arimidex but is that all I would need to get for the post cycle therapy (pct). And when do I start doing PCT before, during, after or what?
if your doing test e than you would start PCT two weeks after last shot. i also use hcg at 250iu twice a week during entire cycle to keep the nuts right. arimidex is great for on cycle keeping estrogen levels in check. i personally taper off the arimidex slowly during pct and use nolvadex 40/40/20/20 for my four week PCT assuming your cycle is 10-12 weeks weeks
Okay I'm a total noob when it comes to this stuff but I want to start Testesterone300 and Nandrolone Decanoate
I was going to buy 23 gauge 3cc/ml 1.5" syringes is that good?
Also for the dosing I'm gonna take 300mg of test300 per week and 200mg of nandrolone decanoate per week so is 1cc 300mg of test300? and 1cc 200mg deca?
each vial is 10ml and im going to buy 2 vials of each and im going to cycle for 12 weeks is that the right amount of time for a cycle?

So for a noob your logic tells you to take a Test300 and Nandrolone cocktail first? Can I ask a question have you ever ran a solo Test E- cycle by itself? How long what did you use for post cycle therapy (pct) and AI? How much clear gains (lbs.) did you end up with after you were completely done?