Newbie with a few questions


New member
Hey all! This is my first post here. I am here because I have a few newbie questions. I'll give you a quick run down. A friend of mine told me about aaa. I wanted to know more about it. Needless to say I ended up with my first set of gear. I've been on cycle now for three weeks. Test e 500mg/week. I also have 10 weeks of eq. From doing my research after the fact I realize I should not have started yet.

I'm 35, 5'8", 185 probably around 20% bf. I worked out a lot back in school for sports. I do know how to properly do the exercises and a base of what exercises to do. I've changed my diet trying to eat clean. My question is should I just bulk and try to cut after the cycle? Or should I cut while on cycle? I want to add muscle and loss some fat at the same time?

I do have a pct program of nolva and clomid. I also have some liquidex. It seems like he pointed me in the right direction as far as that goes. Thanks for the relies in advance.
If I'm not mistaken, and I am a newbie and this is my first response, I would wait until the end of your cycle to to get cut. Ive been advised that water retention helps in lubing your joints and that fat is required to build muscle. Ive been doing that and it works for me. Again, I'm a newbie, just sharing what I've been doing (hopefully I'm doing it right).
Bulk now cut later you already started without a plan might as well finish. Watch what you eat. Should have gotten blood work
I am currently on my 4th cycle. There are two ways to approach cycles.
#1) depending on the results your trying to obtain, Take a bulking cycle (make massive gains but lose your definition) and take a cut cycle afterwards.

#2) Using a bulking cycle to gain weight but trying to shredded at the same time, by not over eating or watching your calorie/protein intake.

I WOULD recommend the first option even though I don't use this advice my self lol. It's the most effective but you wont see the final product until you start your cutting cycle. Because I am stubborn and try to look good all year round, I having been using the #2 method and my gains are minimal but I look lean most of the year.

My first cycle ever I used method #1 and I gained 18lbs. I lost 6 lbs after the cycle and kept a solid 12lbs. This was a bulking cycle, I was happy but upset I lost my abs. Since then I have used method #2 and I usually only gain 12-14lbs and after the cycle is gone only keep about 6-8lbs of it.

This is all based on my personal opinion and how my body reacts to cycles/steroids/and lifting weights. Please don't take this information as facts this is simply what I have seen first hand.

Thanks for hearing me out. GOOD LUCK BUDDY !
Another newbie here guys. I was considering starting a beginner cycle of test e 500mg, 12 weeks, and the post cycle therapy (pct) program of nolv/clo. Like I said the basic program you all have been advising new users to adhere to. I've done my research on here before putting up my first post (didn't wanna sound too much like a noob lol) but I haven't really seen any posts talking about newbies considering cutting first. Any suggestions? I read something on another site talking about taking a different version of test, I think it was decadeb, any suggestions for a newbie trying to cut first then bulk?
Diet.. Its all what you eat. Gear is not magic you still need to cut carbs/calories if that's the results you want. Gear or not...