Newest product from NTBM "Acnetame"


New member
I have been telling you guys I had a follow up to Adderllin for quite some time and it's is finally out.

Acne is an issue that millions of people suffer from on a daily basis. Topical treatments are some of the most popular current treatments that are being used to today.
Unfortunately, Topical treatments do not work from the inside out and are better used in conjunction with an oral treatment. An effective Topical solution comes in the form of benzoyl peroxide. Cheap, effective, and readily available to anyone. Most drug stores carry it. There are a few popular oral acne pills that are available by presciption as well. They all come with very serious side effects.

Acne-tame is a safe side effect free product that may help prevent acne.

Pantothenic Acid- Pantothenic acid, also called vitamin B5 (a B vitamin), is a water-soluble vitamin required to Sustain life (essential nutrient).
A study published in 1995 by Dr. Lit-Hung Leung showed high doses of vitamin B5 resolved acne and decreased pore size. Dr. Leung also proposes a mechanism, stating that Co-Enzyme A regulates both hormones and fatty-acids, and without sufficient quantities of pantothenic acid, Co-Enzyme A will preferentially produce androgens. This causes fatty acids to build up and be excreted through sebaceous glands and causes acne. Unfortunatley the dosages used in the study deplete vital nutrients and can also cause gastrointestinal distress.

N-Acteyl Cysteine- Is a non-essential amino acid, which means that it is biosynthesized in humans. Co-enzyme A is made up of Pantothenic Acid, Cysteine, and ATP.
Since the demand for Co-Enzyme A increases in adolescence, the need for Cysteine must increase. Cysteine is a sulfur amino acid that is heavily used in building keratin, which is an important constituent of the skin (which increases largely in size during adolescence), growing wanted and unwanted hair, and also used in forming nails. Administration of Cysteine is the only means by which we can reduce the dose of Pantothenic Acid to prevent acne. N-Acetyl Cysteine is a derivative of cysteine wherein an acetyl group is attached to the nitrogen atom. This more powerful version is used as a pharmaceutical drug in some countries.

Vitamin A- Is a fat soluble vitamin, meaning it is best absorbed in the presence of some fat. It is beneficial for night vision, night blindness, aids in hormone production, and maintains the integrity of the mucous membranes, respiratory, urinary, and digestive tracts. It also aids in the growth of the skin, teeth, and bones, as well as improving immune system function. At very high doses it is very effective for treating acne, but the side effects are not worth it at all because it will build up into a toxic level in your body. It is added at a low doseage to Acnetame to help fight acne, but not to give the dangerous side effects. accutane is a synthetic form of Vitamin A.

Selenium- Selenium is an essential micronutrient needed throughout life in small quantities. Selenium is a trace mineral that is a component of glutathione peroxidase. Glutathione peroxidase is an antioxidant and detoxifying enzyme. For best results in fighting acne, selenium should be taken regulary for an extended period of time.

Chromium- Helps control the insulin insensivity that is caused by our Western diet built on carbs/sugar. There are numerous studies that show natives who live on a diet of non-refined sugars, veggies and meat do not have acne, but when put on a Western diet, they develope acne.

Piperine- By inhibiting drug metabolism, piperine increases the bioavailability of various compounds. Thereby making Acnetame's ingredients stronger.

Biotin- As enzyme co-factors, Biotin and Vitamin B5 function in concert for many body processes. Symptoms of biotin deficiency include:
Hair loss (alopecia)
Dermatitis in the form of a scaly red rash around the eyes, nose, mouth, and genital area.
Neurological symptoms in adults such as depression, lethargy, hallucination, and numbness and tingling of the extremities.

Niacin- Also known as vitamin B3, is known for the flushed feeling some users report from it. It also works in concert for far better results in fighting acne when teamed with other B vitamins than when used alone.

Co-Q10- CoQ10's key role is producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), upon which all cellular functions depend. Secondary to that, CoQ10 functions as a powerful antioxidant and is essential for healthy youthful skin. It is a naturally occurring nutrient found in every living cell of your body, and provides the source of all cellular energy for building new cells and tissue for smooth, firm skin.
I'm going to get my buddy to give this a try....He breaks out bad....So far I've always been fortunate and never have had any issues with acne
I'm using Acnetame right now and it is working really well for me. I bumped up the dose because I started to break out on my chin. Now my face is a little dry but I have not seen any new acne and my chin hasn't gotten worse. Using it with benzoyl peroxide works really well.
This is refreshing as so many are using Accutane and getting some serious LONG TERM side effect in the lower digestive system!!!!! Need2s Acnetane looks solid.

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