Nipple grafts weirdest thread you will probally see !!


New member
Right my sec thread in 2 days asking questions but both have been strange and i cant find a answer anywhere else online,

I promise everything im gonna tell you in 100 percent the truth and i can prove it if i can find my pics so im not full of shit

When i was a child i was obess 27 stone to be exact i lost all my weight when i was 16 via dieting and exercise and got down to my ideal weight this was before i started working out for the purpose of body building i was left with massive amounts of loose skin and tits,left me with a 30 inch scar and 2 nipple scars but looks better.

So i went in for surgery and spent 5 hours under the knife and had my loose skin/tits cut off but i had to have nipple grafts to place the nipple higher up ever since my nipples are very sensitive and feel strange,

I recently started a course of steroids and have warmth/pain/weird tingling sensation thing in my nipples but because they where grafted they dont really look like normal nipples and have bumps underneath from what i think is just fat cells,
My question is can i still get gyno even though my nipples were fully removed onto a table then sticked back on and next course i do can i just run adex from the begginging and tapper off at the end without using aromsin or will i get a estro fuck up.
Also dont really know how i would tell if i had gyno as the little bumps that are already there.
p.s just about to get the pics of my nipples up so you can see im not bullshiting and by what i mean.

also they have always been sensitive and felt funny and the slightest touch would drive me insane but not like when on gear they feel alot more sensitive,
Can i still get gyno even though they where properly cut completly off and re attached,
I was on a documentary showing it being done as the operations were massive if i can find the video il get it up.
They also still go strangly hard when cold etc but not erect in the sense
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Let me touch on this odd subject.

I doubt anyone here will have a definitive answer since your situation is...very unique.

The reason they could be very sensitive normally is you could have higher Estrogen levels, and depending on how the docs hardwired you they could just have healed in a way with nerves/receptors they are like that.\

But while on a steroid cycle, most likely your using an agent that aromatizes. Such a Test. Well this is going to raise your estrogen levels as well, and thus stimulate the hell out of your nipples.

Was those "lumps" under the nipples before? If not, you are starting to get hormone induced gyno(man boobs). Are you using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and have you had any blood work done?