No Libido in post cycle therapy (pct) looking for input on my blood work


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No Libido in PCT looking for input on my blood work

Hi I was just looking for some input on my blood work. A quick background: I ran a 8 week cycle consisting of test P, Tren A, and Mast. The dosage broke down like this

Weeks 1-8 350mg/week test Prop
Weeks 1-6 350mg/week Tren Ace
Weeks 1-6 350mg/week Mast
.5mg of Arimidex EOD
.5mg of Caber twice a week

First 2 days 40mg Nolvadex and 100mg of Clomid
Weeks 1-3 20mg Nolvadex and 50mg of Clomid
2mg Tribulus

My Libido became non existent and I couldn't maintain a full Erection so I cut out the Nolvadex because I heard of it killing Libido for a lot of people. I then went to get blood work done to see where I was at.

My Results: Ranges
testosterone Free 167.0 35-155 pg/mL
test Total LC/MS/MS 1438.0 250-1100 ng/mL
FSH 20.7 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL
LH 24.0 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL
Estradiol 34

Before I got my results back I started taking HCGenerate and Forged Steel along with continuing my PCT without nolvadex(in hopes of my Libido returning). I've tried Cialis a couple times but it didn't help much. So my main question is with seeing my blood work and that nothing is low, how come my Libido is not back? Think the clomid is killing it? Think its ok to stop my PCT and HCGenerate? Any input is much appreciated. Thanks!
Hi I was just looking for some input on my blood work. A quick background: I ran a 8 week cycle consisting of test P, Tren A, and Mast. The dosage broke down like this

Weeks 1-8 350mg/week test Prop
Weeks 1-6 350mg/week Tren Ace
Weeks 1-6 350mg/week Mast
.5mg of Arimidex EOD
.5mg of Caber twice a week

post cycle therapy (pct)
First 2 days 40mg Nolvadex and 100mg of Clomid
Weeks 1-3 20mg Nolvadex and 50mg of Clomid
2mg Tribulus

My Libido became non existent and I couldn't maintain a full Erection so I cut out the Nolvadex because I heard of it killing Libido for a lot of people. I then went to get blood work done to see where I was at.

My Results: Ranges
testosterone Free 167.0 35-155 pg/mL
test Total LC/MS/MS 1438.0 250-1100 ng/mL
FSH 20.7 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL
LH 24.0 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL
Estradiol 34

Before I got my results back I started taking HCGenerate and Forged Steel along with continuing my post cycle therapy (pct) without nolvadex(in hopes of my Libido returning). I've tried Cialis a couple times but it didn't help much. So my main question is with seeing my blood work and that nothing is low, how come my Libido is not back? Think the clomid is killing it? Think its ok to stop my post cycle therapy (pct) and HCGenerate? Any input is much appreciated. Thanks!

Is your total test really at 1438 and free test at 167?? Cause if that is the case you haven't totally cleared steroids from your body, i am no expert but that seems to me like supraphysiological levels.
post cycle therapy (pct) should not be started until ALL steroids have cleared from your body. I don't know what HCGenerate is, but if it is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that SHOULD NOT BE USED DURING post cycle therapy (pct)!! It will up your total testosterone and make your post cycle therapy (pct) worthless. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast is used a day before post cycle therapy (pct) begins (ex 10000 iu one shot)
I see that you were using prop, and you should start post cycle therapy (pct) 5 days after last pin cause it clears fast, my only explanation is your bottle was mislabeled, or you are a genetic freak with really huge test levels. Your libido is probably missing because you are boming a body full of still active steroids with clomid, nolva and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG).

My advice: (again no expert but this is what I would do) Wait 2 or 3 weeks, let your total T fall down, (by doing a blood test) once you are pretty much at 0, blast 10000 iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the day before, start clomid ONLY at 100/100/50/50 (4 week)

Tren is a 19-nor chemical, it will make you feel A LOT worse if taken with nolva. But obviously dropping nolva hasn't helped.

Hope this works out for you
just because you finish a post cycle therapy (pct) does not mean your fully recovered, give it 1-2 months AFTER post cycle therapy (pct) before you over think it.
also you test levels seem off (how long was it from your last shot?)
Hi I was just looking for some input on my blood work. A quick background: I ran a 8 week cycle consisting of test P, Tren A, and Mast. The dosage broke down like this

Weeks 1-8 350mg/week test Prop
Weeks 1-6 350mg/week Tren Ace
Weeks 1-6 350mg/week Mast
.5mg of Arimidex EOD
.5mg of Caber twice a week

post cycle therapy (pct)
First 2 days 40mg Nolvadex and 100mg of Clomid
Weeks 1-3 20mg Nolvadex and 50mg of Clomid
2mg Tribulus

My Libido became non existent and I couldn't maintain a full Erection so I cut out the Nolvadex because I heard of it killing Libido for a lot of people. I then went to get blood work done to see where I was at.

My Results: Ranges
testosterone Free 167.0 35-155 pg/mL
test Total LC/MS/MS 1438.0 250-1100 ng/mL
FSH 20.7 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL
LH 24.0 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL
Estradiol 34

Before I got my results back I started taking HCGenerate and Forged Steel along with continuing my post cycle therapy (pct) without nolvadex(in hopes of my Libido returning). I've tried Cialis a couple times but it didn't help much. So my main question is with seeing my blood work and that nothing is low, how come my Libido is not back? Think the clomid is killing it? Think its ok to stop my post cycle therapy (pct) and HCGenerate? Any input is much appreciated. Thanks!

wait your not even finished your post cycle therapy (pct) and your complaining???
Is your total test really at 1438 and free test at 167?? Cause if that is the case you haven't totally cleared steroids from your body, i am no expert but that seems to me like supraphysiological levels.
PCT should not be started until ALL steroids have cleared from your body. I don't know what HCGenerate is, but if it is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that SHOULD NOT BE USED DURING PCT!! It will up your total testosterone and make your PCT worthless. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast is used a day before PCT begins (ex 10000 iu one shot)
I see that you were using prop, and you should start pct 5 days after last pin cause it clears fast, my only explanation is your bottle was mislabeled, or you are a genetic freak with really huge test levels. Your libido is probably missing because you are boming a body full of still active steroids with clomid, nolva and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG).

My advice: (again no expert but this is what I would do) Wait 2 or 3 weeks, let your total T fall down, (by doing a blood test) once you are pretty much at 0, blast 10000 iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the day before, start clomid ONLY at 100/100/50/50 (4 week)

Tren is a 19-nor chemical, it will make you feel A LOT worse if taken with nolva. But obviously dropping nolva hasn't helped.

Hope this works out for you

Thanks for the input! I am going to get blood work again in 2-4 weeks and in that time I am not going to take anything. I waited 3 days after last pin of prop until I started Nolva/clomid. I am currently done with my pct but I might of still had clomid in my body which are prob why my levels are all high? We'll see how the results are in 2-4 weeks. Thanks again guys!