Nolvadex during test cycle?


New member
I am going to take a cycle of test. 1cc x2 per week. I'm very nervous about gyno can I take nolvadex during the cycle to stay 100% safe of it ?
Tamoxifen is a fantastic compound, it has been around for quite some time for good reason it's actually a staple item in my arsenal... I feel it's better to utilize an AI, and tamoxifen is good for immediate targeting, however you can utilize it at low dosages throughout your cycle and it has been done successfully regardless of all of the scenarios and hypothetical situations people can chime in with, yes it can be done with success...

If this is your first cycle you're going to have to find out if you possess the dreaded aroma/enzyme...

By the way how old are you and is this your exact first cycle
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We need more info to better answer your question. Stats? Cycle history(I'm assuming this will be the first bc you asked this question)

Genericly I will answer: I would never run nolva during cycle. True, it has been around for years and does the job, but this is more of an old school technique to manage estro. We now know that an ai such as arimadex or areomasin are best for controlling estro. Save the nolva for PCT.
We need more info to better answer your question. Stats? Cycle history(I'm assuming this will be the first bc you asked this question)

Genericly I will answer: I would never run nolva during cycle. True, it has been around for years and does the job, but this is more of an old school technique to manage estro. We now know that an ai such as arimadex or areomasin are best for controlling estro. Save the nolva for PCT.

I started with a personal trainer 2 n half years ago. He put me on a cycle. Test anavar. And hgh. However I lasted 2 months I had a family emergency and had to move away and it totally messed up my routine I stopped taking them. I never took any post cycle therapy. I haven't or didn't notice any side effects I never got gyno or anything like that even tho I just jumped right off it. But I am 24. 6ft 209lbs I train hard eat well. I just wana make sure this time I do the cycle I'm 100% doing it right and taking what I need
You can run Nolva or Raloxifene as an "insurance policy" against gyno while on cycle. But you still need to use an AI. An AI is the first line of defense.