Nolvadex/Tamoxifen Need your inputs


Hello Everyone,

So I am not coming off of any cycle or anything .. I have gyno already for a long time now , so recently I started feeling that my gyno is increasing more .. so I had some tamoxifen with me ..

honestly I didn't know much about nolva except that it is used in oct and for gyno .. so I started taking 20 mgs ED and Its been approx. 17-18 days now ..

so I started feeling that my erections and libido were really affected and my gyno seemed to be more . So I decided to go for blood work today .

Though I didn't get a blood work done just before starting nolva but I got my TT and E2 checked on 1st of April so my TT was 492 ng/dl and my E2 was 55 pg/ml

So now after taking This nolva for about 17-18 days @ 20 mg/day today my blood work came out to be TT 828 ng/dl and E2 was 81 pg/ml

As I said I have been feeling really really crap .. so now I plan do stop nolva completely . Do you guys think in some days my E2 would be fine ? Or do you guys think I should start adex or something ?

Thank you to everyone for their help in advance !
Nolva will not lower estrogen. An ai will. You are probably feeling the way you are due to higher estrogen levels. Research serms and what they do and also aromatise inhibitors. You seem to have a misunderstanding between the two. Serms like nolva and ralox can combat gyno symptoms but will not lower estrogen.
Thanks tbonexl for your input .
Bro but I didn't take nolva to lower my estrogen , I took it because I felt that my gyno was increasing so that is why I only started nolva . Not to lower my E2 .

AI stops the conversion and serms are just useful for gyno . The thing is I didn't know that taking Only Tamox will also increase my TT .

I think what happened with me here is my TT went up because of tamox and because of that my E2 also went up !
I have stopped taking taking nolva from today , I am not taking anything to lower my E2 at the moment , I am thinking as my TT will go down my E2 might also go down with it without taking anything .
I have stopped taking taking nolva from today , I am not taking anything to lower my E2 at the moment , I am thinking as my TT will go down my E2 might also go down with it without taking anything .

that may be true and happen. normally i rec ralox tamox or another SERM for gyno off cycle, but thats for people with generally normal estro levels, if its high then lowdose AI to keep it in check is best call IMO or combo of both to normalize estro and the serm to block estro in nip
that may be true and happen. normally i rec ralox tamox or another SERM for gyno off cycle, but thats for people with generally normal estro levels, if its high then lowdose AI to keep it in check is best call IMO or combo of both to normalize estro and the serm to block estro in nip

Yes bro , I think you are right .. I have started 0.50 mg adex EOD WITH 60mg ralox ED
Probably, 25mgs eod or e3d with ralox..

Thank you bro , so I will take this .. 0.25mgs EOD with 60mg ralox .( I hope you didn't mean 25 mgs ;) }

What duration do you suggest for this ?
Thank you again your help is much appreciated