Noob question


I am banned!
Just out of curiosity...because this is no where in the sticky's but..

I know all about how to pin, aspirate and all that. I actually pinned some of my friends who are scarred of needles and aspirate and everything..
I know about AAS and what they do to your body, how you have to run test with any cycle etc..
I know about PCT and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and AI's and how sometimes you need to take small doses at signs of Gyno..
Basically I feel like I know enough to not be a newbie to AAS except there is one thing I do not get..

All doses of gear are in MG form. Hoever, syringes are in CC's....I feel stupid for asking but how do you convert MG to CC's and vise versa?

Like for example, the sticky in this forum is 300mg vs 600mg testosterone...

How much CC is 300 or 600mg????

And dont worry I am not about to hop on anything but this question bugs the hell out of me the fact that its not in sticky's or anything
1cc=1ml. Example would be test 400. 400mgs per ml/cc.
It's common knowledge. You've taken math classes before, right?
To be able to answer this question, you need to know the concentration of the gear.
Testosterone can be 250mg/ml or 400mg/ml or anywhere in between. This number is on the label.

On the syringe 1cc is equal to 1ml. So if you have test 250mg/ml, one cc on the syringe will give you 250mg of test.
To be able to answer this question, you need to know the concentration of the gear.
Testosterone can be 250mg/ml or 400mg/ml or anywhere in between. This number is on the label.

On the syringe 1cc is equal to 1ml. So if you have test 250mg/ml, one cc on the syringe will give you 250mg of test.
Ahh I get it now.