Not looking to start a cycle anytime soon, but hello regardless.


New member
Hey all,

I just wanted to say hello. I've read the stickies for beginners already.. just want some perspective.

I am a 5'8.5, 23 year old male.

I am relatively new to working out... about 6 months in.

Well, let me tell you a little about myself.

In high school, I was about 135-140 pounds (if that) and I ran a lot of long distance track and field, so I had a really lean body. When I moved out of my house at 17, I was eating terribly unhealthy (3000 cals of fast food a day) and playing video games all the time.

This carried over to college, where I started getting pretty damn big. I peaked out at 5'8, 195 with roughly the same LBM I had at 17 years old - not much.

6 months ago I decided I wanted to change. Used an E/C stack to cut from 195-25% bodyfat to 159-15% bodyfat. Pretty happy with myself, but realized by the time I acquired the 9% bodyfat I was aiming for I would be back to like 140lbs. at 5'9 (my current height) that is completely too small for me.

So about 6 weeks ago I started disregarding my diet, eating somewhat clean but also living as hard as I can.

I have very very nice legs (from running track and being fat for 5 years) but my upper body is complete shit.

As of today I am 16% bodyfat, at 5'9ish, and 165 pounds.

This is my ideal body:

I was wondering what you guys think I should do as per cycling (i have not reached my natural potential at all, but would prefer faster results)

I'm an ectomorph body-type so I am naturally small in the first place.

What percent bodyfat do you think he is? How hard do you think it would be to maintain such a bodyfat?

And most importantly, do you think non-injectables (i would never inject) would help me achieve this goal, or would you advise me to come back in a year or more when I have gone through a bulk and cut cycle?

Also, what bodyfat percent would be ideal to start a cycle on? There is no way I would take a cycle while trying to cut, sort of defeats the purpose, don't you agree?

Thanks for the prospective advice!

edit: oh, and as my name suggests. I'm not doing this for a sport, or doing this for strength. I am purely doing this for aesthetic reasons. I want to look like a god :) [since my fat years I have already been getting a lot more female attention and have been having sex with a lot hotter ass ;)]
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Welcome to 'Ology. You're right, you are not ready for steroids. That is what these vets will tell ya. I'm still new myself, I have plenty of cycle experience, but still feel as if I'm a beginner. Most of these guys will tell you if you're not going to inject, then don't even bother with steroids. They aren't going to do it all for you. Diet is #1 buddy. The gear just takes it the rest of the way. If you desire the body of that dude in the video, then get in the gym, keep a straight on diet, and bust your ass buddy. I'd say do some more research, keep reading. You don't want to put something into your body unless you're ready to deal with everything that can come with it. Good luck to ya, welcome.