Not sure what post cycle therapy (pct) to use


New member
Not sure what PCT to use

I pretty much had my mind up that I was going to use clomid and nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last inj. for 4 weeks. However, I came accross another thread that basically was saying it's not necessary to get this stuff when there is better stuff out there, and that nolva and clomid combo is outdated and can have negative side effects.

Is there anything on the market right now that is an effective post cycle therapy (pct). I was looking into something called Unleashed?

Your thoughts/experience and opinions are appreciated.

Running Test 400; 200mg 2x a week

I plan to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Armidex through my entire cycle up to post cycle therapy (pct).

What is my best option for post cycle therapy (pct) with what I'll be running?
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