NPC National Competition???


New member
How do you qualify for NPC Nationals, and NPC USA's?

Do you have to qualify for Junior USA's and Junior Nationals? If so, how?

If you win Junior USA's or Nationals, does that qualify you for NPC Nationals and USA's?

Only way i know of to qualify for Nationals and USA's is by winning open overall at a national qualifyer correct? And that qualifies you for 5 years correct?
I would like him to answer this one, but i dont see him postin on here much anymore.

BUT, in case he does.... Hows the competition on each of these levels?
I beleive you must win your weight class at a regional contest. The regional contest must be preapproved as a national qualifing show.

I have a close friend who competes nationaly so I'll have to ask him to find out for certain.