npp and test on effects on cardio.


New member
npp and test effects on cardio.

hello, I am new to these forums but this is not my first cycle. I am currently looking at cutting with 400 npp and 500 test e

my current job requires me to run about 3 times a week for about 2-3 miles. I would just like to know if anyone has experienced any negative or positive sides with cardio when running npp or test.

I have ran tren and test in the past and it shot my cardio to shit so I would like to make sure it does not happen again. thanks!

215 lbs.
around 15% bf
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Your RBC will begin to rise, cardio will be good and you'll get more oxygen,, but if RBC gets too elevated,, you'll get tired just walking to your car.
Should not effect your cardio too much unless you get bloated from not managing your E. I don't do much cardio anymore but my first run on EQ I was doing some running like 3 miles twice a week. Was taking about 27 min. I was on the EQ for 4 weeks and the 3 miles was no more effort than walking. one time I decided to see what I could do. So I ran for 6 miles, in 45 min. I quickly discovered why they give this shit to race horses:)
As said, estradiol and hematocrit are the things you need to manage. Do you know how to do that?

By the way, you really should wait until you are at least 25 years old to use AAS. Your endocrine system is still developing and this will mess that up.
yes I do get regular tests done with my doctor. I wouldn't mind trying eq but mixing that with npp and test e would probably be too much.
yes I do get regular tests done with my doctor. I wouldn't mind trying eq but mixing that with npp and test e would probably be too much.

If your goal is to cut, you really only need a minimal amount of compounds to help you stay anti-catabolic while cutting and going into calorie deficit. Running just test could be fine for this, NPP is fine too., but running three plus compounds for just a cut wouldn't really be needed.
If your goal is to cut, you really only need a minimal amount of compounds to help you stay anti-catabolic while cutting and going into calorie deficit. Running just test could be fine for this, NPP is fine too., but running three plus compounds for just a cut wouldn't really be needed.

Absolutely, the correct approach!