Off Cycle Stats


New member
I've been away for a while so I thought I would throw out an update and maybe get some advice.

I ran a Powerdrol-10, Halo-V cycle back in Sep and it was GREAT!

3 Aug Before Cycle:
Forearm: 12
Bicep: 14 1/4
Chest: 41
Stomach: 33 1/2
Thigh: 23 1/4
Calf: 15 1/2

End of Cycle 3 OCT:
Neck: 16 (wtf?)
Bicep: 14 1/2 (disappointing I know)
Chest: 46
Stomach: 34
Thigh: 24
Calf:15 (wtf?)

Completely Off Nov 6:
192.8 (thank you weight gainer) (+2)
Neck: 16 (0)
Forearm: 12 (0)
Bicep: 15 (+.5)
Chest: 44 (-2")
Stomach: 34 3/4 (+.75)
Thigh: 22 3/4 (-.75)

So I tweaked my back a little and dropped doing legs for about 3 weeks now. You can see the result. Off cycle I have been focusing on arms and finally am starting to make some headway...but at the cost of my chest. I just can't win it seems. I think I'm going to do split workouts and in each one focus more on iso-exercises.

Only 24 days till I cycle back on. This time I think I'm going for 6 weeks. I plan on taking Powerdrol for the first two weeks then Halo V for the other four. 10/20/25/50/50/50. Halo-V is 25mg per tablet and it says not to take more than 2 per 24hrs which = 50mg per day. I think that's reasonable, but then again that's why I'm putting this out there, to see what others with more experience think. Only 12 more days and I will start my cycle assist (2 weeks prior to starting).

Thanks again for all the input and feedback.
I personally loved a halo drol 50mg Ed and epistane 30mg everyday stack. They are both methylated but got great lean dry muscle gains with great pumps. Weight went from 170-180. Bench went from 275-305, Bicep measurments went from 15.8"-16.2". All off a 4 week cycle. Body fat dropped from 8%-7%. Overall it was pretty awesome. Totally looking forward to running another cycle but maybe bump in up to 5-6 weeks
U cycled in sept and are starting again in a month?? Dude wait a lil more will ya?? Just 3 more wks.

Ur body needs time to get back to normal.
Some answers...

I cycled from 6 SEP to 3 OCT (28 days) then I did PCT from 4 OCT to 31 OCT (28 days). I will be completely off everything from 1 NOV to 28 NOV (28 days). I was a little concerned about the timing issue too especially when I was in the first weeks of PCT but now a week into taking nothing and I feel great! 28 days on, 56 days off. 29 NOV will be day one of a 42 day cycle, but I may cut it down to 28 days depending on how things go. Can't wait!

Also I forgot age: 29

Thanks again everyone for all your input! That's why I come here.
16.2" would be great! 16 is my goal right now (by March). I generally do a major muscle groups twice a week, three groups, for an hour a day (time constraints limit me). Sunday is rest day. Something like the following:

Monday: Chest/Back
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Arms/Shoulders
Thursday: Chest/Back
Friday: Legs
Saturday: Arms/Shoulders

I try to alternate a little each week, say start legs on Mon., and also switch out an exercise per group per week. Say swapping incline bench for decline in the chest routine. I am making my way through "The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding" right now or as some call it..."the bible", and it has a bunch of great things I've either forgotten or haven't really tried so I'm dusting off some old stuff. I'm really thinking of doing split workouts if I can get the time and focus more on a single muscle group per session that way. Say Arms in the morning then Shoulders at night (an hour'ish per session).

Anyway, thanks for sharing and for the input. Great to hear from another Halo user!
That's a great book man! Sad to say I lost mine.
Personally of I were you I'd tweak my workouts a little to where you aren't doin major muscles groups such as chest and back the day after you do arms. If you workouts are anywhere near as intense as mine then you definitely need some time in between those workouts to let your body heal. I know its different with everybody but unless your on gear I'd suggest you try only working out each muscle group only once every 5-7 days, as long as you beast it up in the gym and have right nutrition you will most definitely still get great gains. With my manual labor work schedule my workouts are as follows,
Mon-chest/back/shoulders. 1 1/2-2 intense hours aprx.
Tues-off day.
Wed-triceps/biceps. 1 hour aprx.
Thurs-off day
Friday-legs/abs. 1 hr aprx.
Eating 3,200-3,500 calories everyday I've been making good gains. When I hit muscle groups too often I felt like I was just losing strength and had low intensity workouts with weak pumps.
I don't need to do cardio considering how much I burn at my job an walking around at college.
Age:22 weight:170 bf:7% bench:305 squat:465
Thanks for the feedback man! I get a lot of crap because The EoMBB is 15 years old but I think it's a great book for building a foundation of knowledge. No gear here, just PHs. Maybe someday I'll get up the courage but right now I'm enjoying the PHs to much. By the way I was throwing leg days in between the chest/back workout and the arms as a way to rest the shoulders and recover my upper body. I will certainly take another look at that though. Time constraints are definetly working against me here, but I can usually get an hour in each day. An hour-and-a-half to 2 hr workout is out of the question.
Thanks for touching on dieting too. I get 1600 calories a day just from weight gainer and then another 250 to 500 in protein bars (10g protein each). That leaves me with 1650 to get from breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I aim for about 800 calories each meal but obviously breaskfast is challenging (which is where the second protein bar comes in). My goal is 3500 calories a day and about 200g protein. Weight gainer twice a day gives me 70 + 20 on protein bars = 90 which means I try to eat the rest from meals. I know I need to get better about recording all this instead of just doing the math in my head each day and estimating. is great website I've found to look up all kinds of foods and what's in them.

I must say 305 at 170 is pretty intense, I am no where even near that. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the advice.
Hey! So I was getting ready to start a new thread for a new cycle but I saw an old post went back to the top! So...tomorrow is the big day! I've been doing a lot of reading about Powerdrol-10 and Halo V and have been going back and forth on how to tackle this next cycle. I hear claims that Halo will pump you up big time but then as soon as your off, poof, there goes all your gains. Meanwhile Powerdrol will give you strength but won't pump you up, which is probably why stacks them together. So in the end I am just going to stick with what I decided to begin with..... Powerdrol-10 then Halo-5.... 10/20/25/50/50/50. No mixing, two weeks of P-10 then 4weeks of Halo.

The off time has been great, other than tweaking my back, but I've been doing legs for two weeks now and am ready to go full board again. I feel ready to start again. I've dropped taking creatine to save on the liver and have been taking cycle assist alone for the past 2 weeks to get ready.

So here we go....

By the way are you still rock'n the 16in bi's or have you made more gains?
Sounds good bro keep me updated!
Biceps still the same size as far as I can tell, I measure every couple months so I don't feel like I'm never growing. Hit back and bis today though, they are definitely harder and more full feeling, most likely from the cell mass creitine I jumped on about 3 weeks ago. Last I checked I hadn't gained any weight either but I'll be weighing myself tonight when I get home.
I'm still debating jumping on a 4-6 week halodrol epi oral cycle.
I'd love some test too pin but have no connects where I just moved
FYI. Back to back oral runs are not healthy at all man.

Well crap! Anything I can do to mitigate the possible bad sides? A lot of the guys I'm around have been doing nothing but PH cycles for the past two years and swear by it. Some don't even take the CA with theirs anymore or they have these crazy PC runs that I can't understand. I'm just trying to do it by the book and get to my goals. I thought it would be fine so long as I did my pct and had my off time. 28days on, 28 pct, 28 completely off. I felt great during my completely off time and I even now I feel great, no sides like last time I was starting off. Just upped to 20mg per day now too on the Powerdrol-10 and Monday I'm going to try putting up 240 on bench.

Best of luck to you by the way, especially through the holiday season. I'm already finding it challenging to stay focused so tomorrow is a re-grouping day, catch up on some reading and research make sure the plan for the next 5 weeks is good to go.