oil based winstrol


New member
I have read that winstrol is good for site injections because it is esterless and the injected muscle absorbs most of the steroid. I think I know the answer to my question but will winstrol that is oil based be absorbed the same way as water based? I would think they would because the steroid is the same it's the solution that it is mixed with that is different. Let me know what the experts here have to say.
I am not sure...but i think the waterbased will be disolved faster...
but dont take me on the words on that one...

better to here it from some vet
Oil based are UG labs or personal brews. I here its still as good as the water based shit. No experence with it yet because mine keeps on crashing as I make it.
I am using an oil based Stan right now from an Unerground lab and it is working very well....

the oil is esterless aswell but the oil in it kinda acts like pseudoetser,so with water absorbtion will be alightly faster but nothing crazy ,