olive oil and glutamine!!


New member
I read on the forum that its good to take 1-2 tablespoon of olive oil everyday...
When is the best time to take em?

Also...im 5 weeks into my 10 week cycle...i initially took up the decision to stop taking glutamine at the start of my cycle...and to resume it after my cycle is over...That way it would help me to minimise muscle loss..
Is it a good idea or can i take it throughout the year without the body developing any kind of tolerance??
It has to be extra virgin olive oil.
Its good clean calories.
I don't think when is the issue but can you do it lol....its nasty.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in human muscle. It is supplemented by athletes because the body’s natural glutamine levels are depleted during anaerobic exercise. Deficiency may lead to a weakened immune system and wasting of muscle tissue if over training and poor nutrition occurs.