olive oil in shakes????


New member
would it be a good idea to add olive oil into my shakes to get some good fat into my diet or should this only come from actual foods.
Rolmack said:
would it be a good idea to add olive oil into my shakes to get some good fat into my diet or should this only come from actual foods.
i wouldnt go to that extreme although it is a good idea ! go to the vitamin store and buy EFA's essential fatty acids ib pill form.... it's a little more convenient .... cheap too !
Die$eL~Man said:
i wouldnt go to that extreme although it is a good idea ! go to the vitamin store and buy EFA's essential fatty acids ib pill form.... it's a little more convenient .... cheap too !

I'd rather do that I dont think olive oil in my shakes sounds very tasty thanks Die$el~man
It's fine to add your fats into your shakes.

Don't go overboard though, you may spend a good chunk of time on the toilet.
There are different types of omega-3 fatty acids and the two subtypes that are most beneficial are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Where can you find them? In fish oils.

Get some fish oil capsules.
Cakalac said:
I have used both olive and flax and the flax is better for you but on taste the olive oil had none. I can taste my flax. It has a distinctive taste to it. It's not bad though.

yeah I tried it today it was not that bad.
Olive oil is a healthy monounsaturated fat, it wont take much to loosen the bowels though so you have to work your way up.
I have used both olive and flax and the flax is better for you but on taste the olive oil had none. I can taste my flax. It has a distinctive taste to it. It's not bad though.
how much do you put in your nght shake before going to bed? Also is there any studies that actually show that adding olive oil to your night time shake will slow the release down?
Fish oils are the most important "good" fat to supplement your diet with, however, I use both olive oil and flax in my shakes as they have different health benefits. IMO if you only used one it should be olive oil.
yes its a great addition, but dont thow them in the shake dummy, take them seperate
Thought the question had something to do with the benefits of taking the oil at night before bed... anyone... anyone...
Ponderosa said:
Thought the question had something to do with the benefits of taking the oil at night before bed... anyone... anyone...
First thing that comes to mind is slowing protein digestion so you don't go negative nitrogen balance until later during sleep.