on cycle diet ??????


New member
ok here is what im eating

830-900 3 whole eggs

1100-1130 steak or pork chop with one chicken breast and 1 can of veggies

1230- protein shake

200- chicken breast and protein bar

300-400 apple and protein bar

600 steak or pork chop with 1 chiken breast and veggies

800 protein shake

on 750mg per week test cycle should i add or subtract some food ......shooting for lean quality muscle mass
not bulking but not cutting you know what i mean ...i wanna put on some mass i mean fat is inevitable but i want to keep it to a minimum
Umm... Am I the only one here who sees that you need way more carbs in the AM?? Seriously, the only carbs you are getting is from the ONE apple. This diet would make me shrink fast, even on gear!