On TRT and have cycle questions.


New member
Hello everyone, I apologize bout last screwup on post....I haven't had chance to do profile,am in huge rush(sorry don't mean to be rude) just need some answers and don't have labs in front of me but they were last taken may 12 and I know your supposed to go back afer 2 wks then 3 months for me since I have low T n put on axiron 60mg daily.bfrom what I remember right now my total T was 300 (33m 5'10" 175lbs 12% BF BTW)..my free T was literally .8 and I do have an overactive thyroid issue for 10 yrs and was on same dose whole time but when test came back for checking T levels my estradiol was off so he bumped up dosage of thyroid, got blood for that WK later n off so lowered a little.. Had something to do with the T3,T4 etc..this is a lot I'm sorry...glucose was 82 and most things in normal range.I started axiron the first week taking I couldn't get out bed, headaches I called Dr (he's just a GP so dropping him) and he blew me off saying not possible...anyway I started test cup only cycle 8 weeks ago 250x2days week.Mon/Thurs...and I know I won't need pct. Soni stopped the axiron after cyp kicked in bout 18 days but still use it on days in BT shots....I eat a lot and pretty good diet. I bust butt in gym got an infection so stopped for 2 weeks n was so weak only able to get up n manage one pin of 250 on thurs week 6.back to normal 4 days later..I get bloods done again in a few weeks,but noticed when using sxiron n cyp together I breakout on chest shoulder n bsk Bad..its 4th cycle n my gains are nothingggg what I was this point when on enth 500 and EQ..I know eq plays huge role in vascular city n shredded ness,but one week I feel confident n lookin solid n symmetric but the past week my chest was not as defined or abs....I also wanted to ask even tho no pct just back to axiron after cycle I have nolva on hand n heard it can be taken during cycle retain more gains and help with a little water which I don't have much of but I can tell...I'm so sorry this is so out of whack n prob makes no sense but hopefully someone can add anything...I'll check back later...thank you guys and girls...