one cycle under my belt, what next?


New member
i finished up a deca/test cycle at the end of june and had pretty good gains, but my post cycle therapy (pct) wasn't lined up and so i lost a lot of it.....i'm wanting to start something else and i don't know whether to do another cycle of test and make sure i have my post cycle therapy (pct) ready to go or just go with beastdrol or something similar......please help!!

also i've never ran a ph cycle so would i run it like a as cycle?
prohormones are for pussies.. run the same cycle and have your clomid lined up for pct.. add some dbol weeks 1-6 40mg p/d.. doesnt get any better than that.. ( also get your hands on some hcg)
prohormones are for pussies.. run the same cycle and have your clomid lined up for pct.. add some dbol weeks 1-6 40mg p/d.. doesnt get any better than that.. ( also get your hands on some hcg)

Beastdrol is a STEROID!
its methyl-masteron and FUKING STRONG.
not all"pro-h's are shit. just most of them are from most companys .
alot of times it over hyped DHA.
and bstdrl is hand down BETTER then dbol.
in terms of gains and power. and per mg to mg.
i finished up a deca/test cycle at the end of june and had pretty good gains, but my post cycle therapy (pct) wasn't lined up and so i lost a lot of it.....i'm wanting to start something else and i don't know whether to do another cycle of test and make sure i have my post cycle therapy (pct) ready to go or just go with beastdrol or something similar......please help!!

also i've never ran a ph cycle so would i run it like a as cycle?

I woudl rec a test cycle WITh bestdrol the first 4-6 weeks at 20-30mg ed

wk1-6 Bestdrol 20mg ed (2 doses taken about 5-7hrs apart)
wk1-12 testE 500mg ew
prohormones are for pussies.. run the same cycle and have your clomid lined up for pct.. add some dbol weeks 1-6 40mg p/d.. doesnt get any better than that.. ( also get your hands on some hcg)

screw dbol-it does get better than that, its called Beastdrol and its no fucking joke.

beastdrol at 20-30mg every day for 28 days, blow the fuck up.

52 cents per cap shipped. Find dbol for that.