i like a 385 or 6 gig and progressivly increasing the weight weekly or bi weekly if i can..even 2.5 pounds is an increase..this will increase you max also...
it all depends on what you look at as strength..
imo..i see strength to ways..
1. the heaviest you can rep multiple
2. the heaviest you can rep once
number 2 would fall under power....so..i would ru8n a power lifters strategy for training, and i have seen them do a pyramid for a month, then a single rep program for a month then back to pyramid etc....
you can determine for yourself...this week, go to the gym and record you 1rm...
then do a pyramid routine for a month and then take your 1rm again...
then for a month train the 1r method ad see what you increased by...
i have found that my body responds better to a 3*5, then anything else..but i have incorporated a 3,2,1,1,3,2,1 routine i use for a couple weeks evdery other month..
...sooo..in short, it is what is better for you and your body...take some time and try them both out..