opinion on weather a diet involoving dextrose is possible??


about to run first cycle
i used a diet similar to this one i am about to post just the difference was there was 150 more grams of carbs (75) more in meal 2 and 4 (each meals carbs to be replaced by pre/post workout dextrose...Cell tech hardcore.

meal 1, 9:00 - celltech (10g creatine-75g dextrose)

meal 2, 9:30 -8 egg whites, protein shake

meal 3, 12:30 - protein shake, 3/4 cup cooked oatmeal

post workout 2:30-3:00 cell tech...75 dextrose!

meal 4, 3:30 - 1 can tuna

meal 5 6:30 - 1/2 cup brown rice, protein shake

meal 6 9:30 - 1 chicken breast, 1/2 cup rice

befor bed 1 scoop casein and 500ml skim milk (1/2 liter)

me.... 190 lbs, 6'0, 16.7% BF

goal 12% BF

training 5 days a week cardio 6 days a week

mon- shoulders,triceps
tues- lats,bis,traps
wed- chest,calves,forearms
thurs- rest
fri- quads,spinal erectors,abs
sat-hams,abs, something extra

using 10-12 rep count....legs 15-18

cardio usually 20 mins all 6 sessions

the reason for the dextrose...its in cell tech i love cell tech hardcore i swell up like crazy and it makes me alot stronger i just wanna see if i can incorporate it into a weight lose system with the high dose of simple carbs

or...i could just rip cyx3 for 21 days lol but im not on anabolics and i think the dose of t3 would make me very catabolic

i should just buy clen eh?....opinions on the dextrose still would be appreciated