Opinions etc on my Diet

L8 Apex

New member
Hello All!

My stats are about 5'4'' 165lbs.
Haven't tested my bodyfat because I am unsure when the ideal time to test it is- morning or night?

Here's primarily what I eat in a week. I try to change sources of protein, fiber, carbs etc up a bit so I don't wear myself out on that food.

Started recording

12/8/03 Mondayclass starts at 12noon

9:30am Clif Bar click here for nutrional info about Clif Bars
2 sticks of string cheese

11:30am 2 8oz chicken breasts

2pm 1 cup rice(mix of wild, brown, white, red)
3 oz of salmon(packet)
2 tablespoons of salsa

6pm 1 1/2 cup Chili (kidney beans, tomatoes, salsa,
and Laura's Lean ground beef 8%fat)
Lauras Lean beef website (LLB)
1/2 cup brocoli
12 seaseme blue corn chips

8:20pm 6oz yogurt stoneyfield always
6oz sweet potato
1 tablespoon of margarine
--usually workout 8:45 to 10pm

11:20pm 6oz yogurt
2 8oz chicken breasts
12/9/03Tuesday - class starts at 8am-- this day sucked--I was at the mechanic for about 3hrs, after that took a 2 hr nap

7:30am clif bar- usually eat breakfast on the way to school
2 string cheese

10:30am 2 6oz chicken breasts
2 slices of bread

4:30pm 1 scoop Syntrax Nectar in water
1 Chili
1 cup rice

I think this is when I napped LOL

8pm 2 8oz sweet potato
2 8oz chicken breast w/ pesto
1 scoop sytrax nectar in water

11pm 1 scoop snytrax nectar w/ water
6oz cottage cheese
12/10/03 Wednesday- class 8pm

7:30am syntrax nectar in water (changing to skim milk in morning next 12/15)
clif bar
2 string cheese

11am 1 cup rice
7oz tuna in sunflower oil(packet)
1/3 cup of salsa

2pm 1 order of Wendys homestyle strips( can't find nutrional stats on website)

5:30pm 1/2 lbs LLB 8% fat
1 cup whole wheat spaghetti
1/2 cup of sauce

8pm 6oz sweet potato(usually baked)
8oz chicken breast

10:30pm 1scoop syntrax nectar apple extacy w/ water
2 table spoon natural peanut butter

11pm 1/2 lbs of LLB 8% fat w/ tomato sauce
12/11 Thrusday - class 9am

7:30am 1 scoop syntrax nectar w/ water
clif bar
2 string cheese

11am 1 cup whole wheat spaghetti
7oz of tuna in sunflower oil
1/4 cup of salsa

3:30pm 1 1/2 cup chili
3/4 cup ww spaghetti
1/4 cup of cheese
6oz of cottage cheese

6pm 1/2 lbs of LLB 8% fat
1 bell pepper
1 6oz sweet potato

8pm 6oz sweet potato
12 oz cottage cheese-low fat always

10:30pm 1 scoop syntrax nectar

11pm 1/2 lbs LLB 4% fat
12/12/03 Friday

7:30am 1 1/2 clif bar
1 scoop syntrax nectar

11am 1 cup whole wheat spaghetti
7oz salmon from packet
2 tble spoons salsa
1 tble spoon extra virgin olive oil

3:30pm 1 cup ww spaghetti
1 cup chili

4:30pm 12oz yogurt

6:30pm 1 cup rice
7 oz tuna

10pm 2 6oz chicken breast

11:30pm 2 scoops syntax nectar
6oz yogurt
12/13 Saturday- no class- sleep late

10:30am 1 scoop syntrax nectar

11am 4 egg whites+ 2 whole eggs
2 slices of 7 grain bread
2 tble sppon of margarine
3 tble spoon of salsa

2pm 1/2 cup rice
7oz salmon
2 tbl salsa

5:30pm Went out to din-din (Buffalo(chicken) wings place)
Thai Buffalitos
3 spicy garlic chicken wings

6:45pm Greaters Ice cream 900% fat LOL- rasberry chocolate chip I could barely finish it LOL

10:30 1 avacado mashed w/ salsa
seasame blue corn chips

11:30pm 18oz of low fat cottage cheese

12/14 Sunday aahh sleep

12noon 1 scoop syntrax nectar
clif bar

1pm 4 egg whites+ 2 whole
2 slices of 7 grain bread
1/2 cup of salsa

4pm 1 cup brocoli
4oz LLB 4% fat

6pm 1/4 cup brocoli
1 cup mashed potato
8 oz salmon fillet

7:45pm stalk of celery w/ 2 tbl natty PB

9:30pm 1scoop syntrax nectar
1/2 cup rice pudding

11pm 1/2 lbs LLB 4% fat
1/2 cup of brocoli

Comments, suggestions, and opinions are wanted!

I'll post my work-out schedule sometime later this week.

Sorry about this long arse post!

Thanks for the input!
Definetly drop the cliff bar. Those bars have one of the highest glycemic index I have ever seen in a bar. Try substituting with some oatmeal instead.