Opinions Please - Can't Orgasm on Test/Mast Cycle

SSRI are b.s. though bro...
there is belief that they down regulate androgen receptors and cause lower to low T.
Also SSRI change your bran chemistry. Keep that in mind.
My E2 has always been in check on bloodwork....
78 pmol/L and 95 pmol/L respectively while on this 0.25 Mg ADEX protocol from testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc
Range: 0-161 pmol/L
Without it I'm at 200 pmol/L
Do we need some estrogen as guys?
Yes, we do need some as men. Estrogen plays an important role in quite a few different bodily functions.
Erections ain't much of an issue...too much sensitivity is...
maybe its me...who knows..

I think 3ct has you covered in that area.
You'd have to see a urologist, I recently went in for the same issue, too much sensitivity and I can't hold out long enough. She prescribed a lidocaine / prilocaine cream, you apply it and it numbs you down there so it reduces the sensitivity and so you can hold out longer. I tried it and it's pretty effective major difference from how I am without it. However, it's awkward putting it on, you have to saran wrap it for 15 min for the cream to work.

There's another way to be able to hold out longer which is through SSRI's we tried the cream first but, I have a follow up appointment in a couple weeks and I'm going to ask if we can try SSRI's it would be way more convenient and easier to just pop a pill and not have to deal with the cream but, I'm not sure how well it will work if sensitivity is the issue but, worth trying.

Also that cream might numb up the wife as its in there....
was this an issue?
One thing I've been noticing while popping the Adex even at these low doses it a noticeable headache...hours after and the next day.
Don't know if this is from E2 levels being messed with.
Went 1 week without Adex recently and felt no headache.
SSRI are b.s. though bro...
there is belief that they down regulate androgen receptors and cause lower to low T.
Also SSRI change your bran chemistry. Keep that in mind.

My urologist doesn't like to prescribe it for long term only for when you're engaging in sexual activity that's it. I suppose if you're not taking it long term it should minimize side effects. I took Paxil a couple times when I was a teen and hated it made me feel horrible. So if I start feeling like that if course I'm not going to continue it.
Coming off cycle now and my PCT will start in a few days. I played around a bit with the Arimidex dose attempting to see if my problem was estrogen related and I can only assume that at .25 EOD my Estrogen was too high. I tried no Adex at all for a week, and it seemed to get worse. I thought with the Masteron, maybe I was blocking too much. Then I uped the Adex to 1 mg EOD and within a week I was firing again. Nothing special and certainly not a GUSHLOAD. LOL. But I expect the volume to subside when on cycle. It was not consistent though and lowered my dose to .5 mg EOD to complete my cycle.

BTW - Not my best cycle for sure and not a huge fan of a Test/Masterone/Tbol cycle. Some gains, a slight cutting effect. I think next one the Tren is going to be included. Time to go big or go home. (I'll be enquiring more later)

So my best guess was too high Estrogen. We'll see how I am after post cycle therapy (pct).

Thanks everyone for all your advice and opinions.
