Oral Only Cycle! Help? Turinabol


New member
i guys,
First of all, I know many of you will disagree with a oral only cycle.
Before I start, here are some stats

21 Year old
13-14% bf

The cycle plan
1-5 weeks
Tbol oral 60mg (Or start with 40 and go up to 60)

pct 5-9 weeks
clomid at 50/50/25/25

Liv52 while on cycle, Creatine, as well as tourine.

This is a very simple cycle.

I've read hundreds of threads now, some people recommend it as a first cycle, other say you shouldn't cycle without Test as a foundation.
Now, I've had a PRO bodybuilder tell me he's done it plenty of times, and since he only runs it for 4 weeks the shut down is very mild he says and usually fully recovers with no problems. But... Then I get guys saying I'll have no dick and i'll be depressed. Anyone experienced with this?

ALSO, Some say they keep 60-70% gains, other say I will have nothing left after the cycle even with pct...

opinions and advice please.
oral only cycles is not for men, i am assuming you are a man and its no dice my friend. not good for you at all.
you must have a testosterone base and hcg to keep your levels on the up and up.
A pro bodybuilder lol.. pros are usually on gear 24/7 and basically abuse the shit. All their after is gains my friend. You are by no means a pro...
Ya know first no steroids till you stop growing about age 25ys

2. oral cycles are not good at all due to other organ possible damage... read up son
3. the pro BB's has had much experience/ How old is he and how many cycles has he done.... Bullshit what he says in his recommending you to do this. :mad: This is for you not him.
4. What kind of gains do you think you are gonna get from 5 weeks.... to risk this. You will not gain any muscle mass in 5 weeks. DO NOT compare yourself to him. He may be blasting and c r u i s i n g and who knows why. BUT this is not for your situation. He cannot care about your health if he said go for it.

Now step back and look at all the reasons why you should not do this and tell us how you think it is a good thing and what you're gonna gain by this. AT age 21 when you are at your prime with your Test levels why, just why are you even considering this. As far as keeping gains ? What LMM tissue do you think you are going to grow / build in 5 weeks. Listen I could go on and on but you have no clue as to what all has to happen and how long it takes to build LMM. All you will gain is water...AND YOU WILL LOOSE THAT.

Fact, this is a fact... a man can only build / grow 15-20lbs of LMM ( Lean Muscle Mass) in one year. Cycles or no cycles. There are variables, but anything more then a 10 + gain on a 12 - 16 week cycle is worth about 4-6 lbs of LMM and the rest is water. Do 3 cycles a year and there you have your 15-20 lb gain of Lean Muscle Mass.

Lean to bulk and back to lean again...look at show prep and what I have just said ^^ about LMM gains is right on.
Ask your pro buddy that.

You have said you have read hundreds of threads and so you just think you are different? Admittedly by yourself you are telling us you have not read much of anything to support this ridiculous plan, but you must want someone to justify it for you. I cannot and will not support this idea at all and I don't think many on O'logy will.

This is a straight up forum to help guys with workout routines, diet, and the safest way to use AAS as possible. One other thing I do is to help the qualified guy to put together a protocol of the best compounds to help him achieve his goal for that cycle and even point towards future cycles and long term gains / goals.

Also for your age, the right foods and calories are the best anabolic substance you can put into your body.

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OP, listen, watch the "likes" after all the O'logy guys post. This will give you an idea as to just how many people agree with what the guys and myself have said right off the bat. And if more chime in just watch.. :wavey:

Start out on here and read ALL the sticky posts, found where you came in to start your thread.

Good luck, stick with us and get help with diet and other routines here on Steroidology.

OP we all hope you come back and talk. Or at least read what has been said. You haven't been back sonce right after your posting. :dunno: ??
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i guys,
First of all, I know many of you will disagree with a oral only cycle.
Before I start, here are some stats

21 Year old
13-14% bf

The cycle plan
1-5 weeks
Tbol oral 60mg (Or start with 40 and go up to 60)

pct 5-9 weeks
clomid at 50/50/25/25

Liv52 while on cycle, Creatine, as well as tourine.

This is a very simple cycle.

I've read hundreds of threads now, some people recommend it as a first cycle, other say you shouldn't cycle without Test as a foundation.
Now, I've had a PRO bodybuilder tell me he's done it plenty of times, and since he only runs it for 4 weeks the shut down is very mild he says and usually fully recovers with no problems. But... Then I get guys saying I'll have no dick and i'll be depressed. Anyone experienced with this?

ALSO, Some say they keep 60-70% gains, other say I will have nothing left after the cycle even with pct...

opinions and advice please.

First off I'd recommend listening to these guys, especially oldmusclemike. He knows his aas he used to compete and was in phenomenal shape and still is for his age. He's been there and done that. So he speaks from years of experience not just experience from a few cycles.

With that being said an oral only cycle will screw you up! Will you get gains? Absolutely you will. Will your hard-ons resemble spaghetti afer boiling in hot water for half an hour? Definitely! Will your noodle get hard again?probably but not for a long time.

So when you're starting to look good from that oral only cycle it won't matter if you have a couple of the most beautiful women of your dreams trying to get with you..... yep you guessed it, your little buddy won't be showing up for work that day and more than likely it might not show up to do it's job for a year or more.

You may think I'm exaggerating but I'm not. It happened to me and it sucks period! I also started dabbling with aas at your age and now I'm married to a needle.

Wait a few years do more research get to your max potential being natty and if you think you're ready contemplate a test only cycle.

If the reason you're wanting to do an oral cycle is the fact that you're afraid of needles just remember the oral only path is the fastest way to being stuck with having to use needles the rest of your life. Or feeling like shit with a sick dick because you won't pin is what you want.

One last thing, about a pro bodybuilder saying you will be fine with an oral only cycle and you taking his advice is like a crackhead saying you will be fine smoking crack and being like ok this cracker said it's ok to smoke rocks.
I've Never been a Fan of an Oral Only Cycle, unless you are Prepping for a Meet.
Cause the Gains are Transient ~ meaning you'll lose them quick.

Oldmusclemike gave you some good reasons why you should wait.

I'll second his post.
You are Wasting your Best Natty years by doing any AAS now.
Plus, you risk damage to your Endocrine System............................ JP
Just do Sarms if you're going to do something like that. Do like Mk-2866. Rad 140 or S4.
no. just no

too fat, too young, too uneducated... you're gonna fuck yourself up

im not too much older than you but at least i fucked myself up knowing what i am doing. i started using gear when i was 18 and started training when i was 13 and started researching steroids since the day i picked up dumbbell.

if ur gonna get fucked up do it the right way.
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i guys,
First of all, I know many of you will disagree with a oral only cycle.
Before I start, here are some stats

21 Year old
13-14% bf

The cycle plan
1-5 weeks
Tbol oral 60mg (Or start with 40 and go up to 60)

pct 5-9 weeks
clomid at 50/50/25/25

Liv52 while on cycle, Creatine, as well as tourine.

This is a very simple cycle.

I've read hundreds of threads now, some people recommend it as a first cycle, other say you shouldn't cycle without Test as a foundation.
Now, I've had a PRO bodybuilder tell me he's done it plenty of times, and since he only runs it for 4 weeks the shut down is very mild he says and usually fully recovers with no problems. But... Then I get guys saying I'll have no dick and i'll be depressed. Anyone experienced with this?

ALSO, Some say they keep 60-70% gains, other say I will have nothing left after the cycle even with pct...

opinions and advice please.
you say you have read hundreds of threads, well i have read hundreds of thousands of threads and never read that its good or ok for men to do orals only. not in this forums for sure,
What about running testosterone undecanoate with an oral? I know the guys are jab happy and I know it's the best course of action, but there are other testosterone options out there, such as testosterone gel.
I know testo gel isn't as effective, but I can find it pretty easy if I look for it. One of my friends currently takes it and he's had good results from it, maybe not as good as the results I got from test cyp, but still good improvements.
always best to have a testosterone base with any cycle.mand nowhere does it say that it is ok for a man to do an oral only cycle. you will just mess yourself up for life. read up on beginrs cycle sticky here man.
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