Oral VS. Injection Pros and Cons


New member
I know that everyone praises injection, and I have researched reasons behind it but I would like to hear it from the experienced users on this board.

What are the pros/cons of the two?
Males always have to include injectable testosterone in any cycle.

Yes I figured that. I was wondering the pros and cons anyways. I have read up some of your thread and it's fantastic. Kudos to you.

It was weird when I saw that you recommend not to aspirate? I have ALWAYS heard to aspirate.
Yes I figured that. I was wondering the pros and cons anyways. I have read up some of your thread and it's fantastic. Kudos to you.

It was weird when I saw that you recommend not to aspirate? I have ALWAYS heard to aspirate.

It is actually the CDC that recommends against aspirating for IM injections.

The advantage of injections is that they tax your liver less.
What do you recommend to take with 500MG Test E/wk as a PCT?
You will get a much better response from the ology community is you post with a full cycle. Give us length, compounds and doses, inj schedule, AI dose, pct doses and timing...everything.

If you do that we will help. We get a lot of traffic on these forums and like when ppl do their own research first. Hence we have a big thread (linked above) with all the details you really need