osta...pct and natty test
i need some advice and was wondering if you could please help. Im new to the steriodology forums and to sarms etc.
Iam currently taking 25mg of osta and have been doing so for 2 weeks now with good strength , libido gains and fat loss.
I have a bottle of arimidex handy so I am planning on taking it with the osta as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I was also looking at a natty test booster (hcgenerate) to increase my natty test, maybe even DAA.
Im planning on running the cycle for 8-10 weeks. I hear that osta does not cause significant HPTA suppression.
I just want to be ready just incase........my test gets suppressed to some point. Would you recommend a mini post cycle therapy (pct) (3 weeks ) with serm (ie clomid) 50/50/25, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Natty test booster?
Would this be overkill considering I m not on an actual "steroid cycle"?
What test boosting supps would you recommend while"on" cycle and for the mini post cycle therapy (pct)? I see that clomid has mixed reports.....could i replace this with something else + AI+ natty t- booster? Could i run osta
year round without post cycle therapy (pct)?
just need sum help as there are soo many different opinion out there.
i need some advice and was wondering if you could please help. Im new to the steriodology forums and to sarms etc.
Iam currently taking 25mg of osta and have been doing so for 2 weeks now with good strength , libido gains and fat loss.
I have a bottle of arimidex handy so I am planning on taking it with the osta as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I was also looking at a natty test booster (hcgenerate) to increase my natty test, maybe even DAA.
Im planning on running the cycle for 8-10 weeks. I hear that osta does not cause significant HPTA suppression.
I just want to be ready just incase........my test gets suppressed to some point. Would you recommend a mini post cycle therapy (pct) (3 weeks ) with serm (ie clomid) 50/50/25, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Natty test booster?
Would this be overkill considering I m not on an actual "steroid cycle"?
What test boosting supps would you recommend while"on" cycle and for the mini post cycle therapy (pct)? I see that clomid has mixed reports.....could i replace this with something else + AI+ natty t- booster? Could i run osta
year round without post cycle therapy (pct)?
just need sum help as there are soo many different opinion out there.