osta...Post cycle therapy (pct) and natty test


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osta...pct and natty test

i need some advice and was wondering if you could please help. Im new to the steriodology forums and to sarms etc.
Iam currently taking 25mg of osta and have been doing so for 2 weeks now with good strength , libido gains and fat loss.
I have a bottle of arimidex handy so I am planning on taking it with the osta as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I was also looking at a natty test booster (hcgenerate) to increase my natty test, maybe even DAA.
Im planning on running the cycle for 8-10 weeks. I hear that osta does not cause significant HPTA suppression.
I just want to be ready just incase........my test gets suppressed to some point. Would you recommend a mini post cycle therapy (pct) (3 weeks ) with serm (ie clomid) 50/50/25, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and Natty test booster?
Would this be overkill considering I m not on an actual "steroid cycle"?
What test boosting supps would you recommend while"on" cycle and for the mini post cycle therapy (pct)? I see that clomid has mixed reports.....could i replace this with something else + AI+ natty t- booster? Could i run osta
year round without post cycle therapy (pct)?

just need sum help as there are soo many different opinion out there.
I have been taking osta, 25mg for over a month and i have had no sides whatsoever. Increase in strength, size, just noticable. Nothing over the top crazy but its been worth it so far. Ive been taking horny goat weed off and on with, just on workout days. I honestly see no reason for a pct. But i'll be done with my cycle before you so if anything changes i'll be sure to let you know
Check out test infusion if your lookin for a natty T booster. I've heard some awesome things about it since it came out.
some people may run sarms without supprression others cannot, at smaller dosages and shorter runs osta doesnt really suppress, however when run properly e.g 25mg/day for 8+ weeks osta can/will or has suppressed alot of guys afew have halfed there test levels in 4 weeks. Not saying this will def happen to you but it is a risk buddy, and i would def run a mini post cycle therapy (pct) to ensure you recover and keep more of your gains.
I run osta at 25mg a day as this is the sweet area for it, you dont need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) it doesnt aromatize so need eastrogen issues to deal with like with AAS.
I would run the hcgenerate on cycle to minimise any supprssion and improve recovery when you stop and then a mini post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid and test infusion or atleast daa after for the 3 weeks. I would go for 8 weeks then post cycle therapy (pct) imo, you can go 10 weeks or slightly longer but id err on the side of caution and i would def run support and post cycle therapy (pct) if you go 10 wks.
1-10 osta 25mg/day
3-10 hcgenerate
post cycle therapy (pct).
11-13 Clomid 25/25/25
11-13 Test infusion or Daa 3g's a day

you may or may not be fine blood work is the way to tell and you may feel ok and still have isssues so to make sure always get blood work b4 and after to know how your body is, i always run support and post cycle therapy (pct) as at the end of the day if your going to cycle and go to the effort for 8 weeks of lifting eating etc you may aswell get all te gains you can and keep what you can whilst staying healthy.
If your goin to jum inot a 10 wk osta run i seriously think you should run the aforementioned stuff as youll be open to risk buddy
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run the osta at 20mg ED, hcgenerate @ 4caps ED, daa @ 3g ED, adex .5mg EOD. after 3wks take 1 wk off the test boosters, then return to the dose. run this for 8wks. some creatine + beta alanine will also be nice. than post cycle therapy (pct) should just be clomid/nolva for 20 days at a low dose...

using the T boosters with osta will keep shutdown low, no need for a crazy post cycle therapy (pct).

osta should not be used for longer than 8wks as well. it has no effect after so long...7wks even. by that time its not doing anything.

thanks gymrat and nick much appreciated, i think ill take it to 8 weeks then pct. Post pct do I wait another 8 weeks before I recommence the cycle?
run the osta at 20mg ED, hcgenerate @ 4caps ED, daa @ 3g ED, adex .5mg EOD. after 3wks take 1 wk off the test boosters, then return to the dose. run this for 8wks. some creatine + beta alanine will also be nice. than post cycle therapy (pct) should just be clomid/nolva for 20 days at a low dose...

using the T boosters with osta will keep shutdown low, no need for a crazy post cycle therapy (pct).

osta should not be used for longer than 8wks as well. it has no effect after so long...7wks even. by that time its not doing anything.


osta can be run up to 12 weeks i think youll find, 8 weeks being a great and most popular cycle time, 25mg a day is the sweet spot for osta and run at this not 20mg, it can be used/i use it at lower dosages in post cycle therapy (pct) and then bump into a bridge.
Osta is not hepatoxic but will still stress liver and insides, nothing to major but test infusion will take care and heal him up internally aswell as help test recovery. if you wanna go cheaper run the daa instead with the clomid, nolva is not needed.
Cheers nick..
Im doin the following:
25mg osta, 3 g Daa, hcgen and arimedex .25 eod- 1-8 weeks
Pct- 9-11. ive decided to go with nolva over clomid...how many mg of this should I take over the 3 week period? Im planning on incorporating th Daa and also erase. Also would it b wise to wait another 8 weeks before recommencing or can I make this period shorter?
Cheers nick..
Im doin the following:
25mg osta, 3 g Daa, hcgen and arimedex .25 eod- 1-8 weeks
Pct- 9-11. ive decided to go with nolva over clomid...how many mg of this should I take over the 3 week period? Im planning on incorporating th Daa and also erase. Also would it b wise to wait another 8 weeks before recommencing or can I make this period shorter?

sarms dont convert (aromatize) to eastrogen buddy so you dont need an Ai (adex) dont run the arimedex, for your cycle buddy id run it like this from what you have bought:
1-8 25mg/day osta sarms
1-8 hcgenerate
9-11 Nolva 40/20/20, id prefer clomid at 25/25/25 up to you tho.
9-11 Daa 3g's a day
9-11 erase (dont need as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but helps recovery so add it)

i would probably take the 8 weeks off and then start again wit sarms you can start again very soon but id leave atleast a month off i feel they may not be as effective if you jump straight into another run immediatly altho iv seen people do it. Sarms are different to AAS in those terms but id still reccomend a break before commencing another run. If you want to know for sure exactly when your good get bloods done but even so i would def take a little break b4 beginning again.
cheers mate will do thanks for the advice will drop the dex.

no problem have a good one, let us know how you do ;)

oh and a little tip that may help, start the Daa in the beginning of wk 8, then itll take affect abit faster and come into fruition early in your post cycle therapy (pct), then keep running it til you finish the tub.
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Cheers nick..
Im doin the following:
25mg osta, 3 g Daa, hcgen and arimedex .25 eod- 1-8 weeks
Pct- 9-11. ive decided to go with nolva over clomid...how many mg of this should I take over the 3 week period? Im planning on incorporating th Daa and also erase. Also would it b wise to wait another 8 weeks before recommencing or can I make this period shorter?

I wouldn't take the daa in post cycle therapy (pct). your aleady going to be on it pretty much 8wks straight with a one wk break. Just as osta needs a break so does daa.

Nolva or clomid plus forma will be all you need for post cycle therapy (pct).

After your 3wk pct u can take more daa but again. Cycling all these things is key to keeping them working at full potential. All this shit costs gobs of money. We want to make sure your getting the most from it.
^^^^ hes running hcgenerate on cycle and the daa in pct along with his serm buddy, and yes cycling off and on is very advisable il always take breaks off things, like you say they cost so may aswell get the most you can.