Osta Rx - Ostarine instead of pct?


New member
Hey guys. Ive been researching osta RX lately and it seems to be the same as the SARM ostarine. It also says that you can replace your PCT with this osta Rx and be perfectly fine due to osta not messing with your hormones. Using this product as a bridge for a couple of months into the start of your next cycle while skipping PcT in general and you should have bounced back perfectly fine even without post cycle therapy.
Any opinions on this? And if this were true, then why hasnt anyone mentioned this before? Substituting pct for this. Doesnt make sense.
If this is the case, how does Osta Rx compare to wicked pct?
Also, how suppressive is it and is it liver toxic? Does this mean i can essentially be on something year round (osta only during time off) and never have to worry about pct?