Effects of 1 jab of test e 250mg and course to take if not continued


New member
Hey everyone chasing some advice as I can’t seem to find some anywhere on this certain situation
Bf 15%

Have cycled twice before with absolutely no research or idea on what I was doing
Test e 500mg a week for 12 weeks both a year apart

This time went to jump on my yearly cycle and thought I would do some research and found this site wishing I had found it years ago

I have always pct with nolva and chlomid and post cycle everything seems to have recovered fine (no blood works done) but all signs and functions have seemed fine and n

I have jabbed once and realised after finding all info I here I should wait a few more years before getting into it and don’t want to do serious damage if I haven’t already

Just seeing the effects of 1 250mg jab would have and if I should still pct and try natural test boosting foods to come back to normal and decrease the chances of ruining my hormones for life
Or just any advice on what my next step would be after 1 jab

at your age, stop everything now. your body will naturally recover in 3 months time at the worst. one pin of testostorone will not damage your body but do stop now. in time you will recover.
do you really weigh 85 pounds?
why did you never do bloodworks before?
and yes 26 years of age is the optimal time to start cycling not young as you are as it will stunt your growth of every body part and body organ including your brain.
please tell us what your past 2 cycles where and what where your gains and at what age did you do them? did you experience sides?
I was 20 and 21 when I did my first 2 cycles of test e 250 (2 a week) so 500mg for 12 weeks
Probably put on around 10kg the first time strength improved crazily
Only sides I noticed was hair growth, had no chest hair prior and a full body now
Youll be fine. Continue as usual and start your research. Ask questions and read everything. Start by reading all profiles
I was 20 and 21 when I did my first 2 cycles of test e 250 (2 a week) so 500mg for 12 weeks
Probably put on around 10kg the first time strength improved crazily
Only sides I noticed was hair growth, had no chest hair prior and a full body now

I would atribute the hair growth to your still growing body as the male body does not reach its full growth until around age 26. but you kind of had an affect on that from doing gear before that.
thats water over the bridge now.
did you do any bloodworks before you started your first cycle?
that is the only time you can get your real numbers as any numbers after that will be affected forever and you will not return to your original numbers ive heard.
Youll be fine. Continue as usual and start your research. Ask questions and read everything. Start by reading all profiles

very sound advice here from a Vet. the key now for op is to read read read and then ask questions to be sure hes on the right path and also to learn from others mistakes so he does not commit the same mistakes.
No I didn’t do bloodworks and no research as I didn’t realise the effects and was just following what an older mate told me to do
I will probably go get some blood works done once this one pin has broken down and is out my system
So stay off everything and start your research.

In a month get some blood work on a full hormone panel and repeat same tests every2 months until you get an idea where your hormones are sitting.

You got the right idea you need to research. In the meantime get your diet and workouts going. Read profiles of drugs. AIs. SERMs.
About 6ft 2 (186cm)

At over 6 and 187ish you need to start eating. Its easy man. Aim for minimum 4 meals a day and hit 1000cals per meal. Youll grow. Keep it clean. Protein source. Carb source per meal. If you news specifics look into it some research then post what you wanna do and we can critique and give you some extra advice
At over 6 and 187ish you need to start eating. Its easy man. Aim for minimum 4 meals a day and hit 1000cals per meal. Youll grow. Keep it clean. Protein source. Carb source per meal. If you news specifics look into it some research then post what you wanna do and we can critique and give you some extra advice

so true and well said.
4 meals per day with lots of healthy snacks in between, the more natural the better.
Cheers for all the info everyone

It’s been one month now since my first and only pin of my 3rd cycle

After reading up more over the last month I’ve realised that some symptoms/after affects from my 2 cycles of test e 250mg /500mg per week at age of 20 and 21.
My first cycle I pct with nolvadex
My second cycle nolvadex and chlomid
The symptoms are as follow; muscle soreness, no morning wood, struggling to put on muscle (I train 5-6 days a week hard) and am just finding my strength won’t increase like it used to i.e over the course of this year my weights have barely gone up in my exercises/sets

From just the one pin I noticed an energy increase, sex drive increase and had my first morning boner in years, these continued for about a week/ 1.5 weeks from that pin

Now a month on I’ve noticed sex drive is back down, no morning wood and increased muscle soreness

I have gone to a doctor and asked if I could get a hormone bloodwork test but am finding this hard to do in Australia and to obtain the info I need to see where my blood works are sitting at

Once I obtain these bloodwork results if my doctor gives them to me I shall post on here and see what everyone thinks my next course of action should be

And as I stated above I’d prefer to stay off any cycles and try to get back to as close to normal for my age as I can if I haven’t done too much irrepable damage
So if anyone in Australia has gotten blood works before is it hard to do so and get given the info, should I try a different doctor