Ostarine and post cycle therapy (pct) - recipe for disaster!!!!!


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Ostarine and PCT - recipe for disaster!!!!!

Hi guys, some help needed.

I did ostarine for 5 weeks, after stropping, I felt low libido and hard to get erections and low ejaculation volume.
Started tribulus and ZMA, libido and erections return great but low ejaculation volume continued.

I decide to do a post cycle therapy (pct), clomid and nolva, after 2 days libido and erections killed completely, stop the clomid and keep the nolva 40/40/20/20, feel great everything return to normal.
In the end of nolva, notice again decrease in libido and erections.

After 2 months libido and erections are not normal, lower than my usual. Rare morning erections.

How can clomid and nolva killed my libido and erections so bad, since before that were normal??

Bloodwork ready.

T4 - 139nmol/L (58-141)
T3 - 1.80nmol/L (0,92-2,79)
Fsh - 3.8 mUI/ml (1.4-18.1)
Lh - 2.8 mUI/ml (0,8-7,6)
Estradiol (E2) - 28pg/ml (<56)
Prolactin - 10,4ng/ml (2,5-17.0)
Total testosterone - 4610ng/ml (1600-7260)
Free testosterone - 22,70 pg/ml (7,20-27,00)

The values are all in range, but libido still low and erections still hard to get.

Any help please!!

Thank You
I don't know what happened. But after ostarine I was not like this, but after clomid and tamox I was worse, after ending tamox I was better but know I'm not feel well and normal.
Is it possible that tamox and clomid make me supersensitive to estrogen?
I dont know what to do, this is screwing my life.
I posted nearly identical results only a few threads down. that makes two of us friend.

I would advise hopping on the HCGenerate bandwagon. After only 3 days I am doing better.
I recovered well with tribulus and zma but low ejaculation volume.
Then clomid and tamox do worse, and now after endind the tamox somethong still not right even eith normal bloodwork.
U type like a child. Stop fucking with these things dude, you are to young. And i dont even know your age
LH and FSH are a bit low. Clomid recovers hpta by stimulating LH and FSH. Don't run it too high. You'll need more than just a serm to recover from a cycle which is why you're having complications. You need another post cycle therapy (pct) and here is how I'd do it this time;

Methyl EAA
Test Infusion
Forma Stanzol

This is an OTC stack that works wonders for recovering your libido and hpta. Run it and get more bloods after. I guarantee it will all improve