Ostarine while cruising?


New member
I am thinking of staying on test prop for another 10 wks + Aromasin (12.5 EOD) after current 20 wk run. Instead of doing my post cycle therapy (pct) w/ Ostarine and Tamox.

Would it be affective to start Ostarine now, while on test or should i save it for post cycle therapy (pct). Its just that im eager to try it!
how many mg tes?? TRT?? for sure the osta will be useful in post cycle therapy (pct) but it also help with on....

up to you...both would be best but idk how fat your wallet is.......
Im on 500 mg pw no trt. Also 12.5 mg Aromasin eod. May add Anavar (var) into mix and save osta for pct instead.
Let me know how it goes. Grabbing osta from gwp for my next post cycle bridge. My buddy is on it and loves it.

I'm gonna run it with ghrp-6/cjc1295/igf-lr3/sermorelin
I ran unique's Osta during my last PCT and it was great.....I think thats it proper place to help maintain gains during PCT