Oxandrovar - The Ultimate Cutting Agent


Jacked and Tan

Time to stop lying to yourself… Are you really doing everything you can to get you six-pack abdominal region looking tight for the summer? Your options for achieving this goal just improved by a thousand percent with the release of OxandroVar!

OxandroVaris a serious anabolic stack for those guys looking to drop some considerable bodyfat, while increasing lean muscle and mass. Increases in strength, libido and endurance are a given with these stacks too!

Gone are the days of losing muscle while you are on a cutting diet.. With OxandroVar, you now can cut down your calories and burn fat with the confidence that your precious muscle-mass is being protected from catabolism by 4 very powerful anabolic ProHormones. With this ULTIMATE CUTTING/RECOMPINGcycle, the fat will melt off to reveal the physique you always knew you had under all that blubber. OxandroVar is not just a single ProHormone – it is a harmony of several different androgenic tunes, all playing together to form a Muscle-Building and Fat-Burning symphony of massive proportions.

TheOxandroVarone- bottle cycle in itself is similar to the way old-school Bodybuilders would stack progestins like Trenbolone with a DHT type of hormones like Primobolan Depot in the samecycle, and then polish it off with Anavar or Winstrol on top for a good measure of Anabolic depth... Those with persistent water retention or Gyno issues would even toss in a an extra Masteron dose EOD to dry up even further... Similarly, with OxandroVar, you get the best known ProHormones, in Progetins like TRENAVAR to heavy anabolic with low-androgenic effects like Epistane, add Methylclosterbol to solidify gains and protect muscle during caloric deficit. Even toss in the non-methylated molecule of HEXADRONE in high dosages to add even more anabolic base to this cycle, along with Anti-Estrogen properties.

This is a solid mix of different anabolic hormones that work together in a cycle to create the perfect cutting stack. Not only will your physique benefit from the added anabolic potential, but this stack works with with your CNS really bringing up the drive, motivation and strength gains. Not only will you experience extreme gains in strength and focus, but OxandroVar also adds solidity to the gains made during thecycle... This is an extremely thorough mix of ingredients to make OxandroVar the ULTIMATE RECOMPING AGENT as advertised. Read the full ingredient info below.

-Insane Strength Gains
-No Estrogen Conversion
-Universal stack for Bulk or Cut
-Crazy Intensity and Pumps
- BIO-SORB ( Absorption and Time Released Matrix)

Supplement Facts:
OxandroVar- 60CAPS

(METHYLCLOSTEBOL) -4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-4-en-17ß-ol-3-one-.......25mgs

(EPISTANE) -2,3a-epithio-17a-methyletioallo cholan-17b-ol-.......20mgs (TRENAVAR) -Estra-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione- …...........20mgs

(Hexadrone) 6a-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one......100mg BIO-SORB



Are there any case studies for these types of pills? "Bio-Sorb" sounds neat and all, just not entirely sold.
Are there any case studies for these types of pills? "Bio-Sorb" sounds neat and all, just not entirely sold.

prolly not but it has epi & tren with methyl cho so idk how you would see good gains. epi & tren stacked alone with do a lot, they are ideal for a recomp type cycle.

it wont add much mass but dry muscle & strength yes. this time of year I wouldn't want to run anything wet either.
Epi and tren have been used quite a bit. This is a new formula though. Both will provide nice lean gains/recomp.