Oxodrol 12 vs. Dianevol


What is the real difference between these two supplements and would it hurt to take them together?
well i just got both and i need some help planning my post cylce. i plan on doing 24mg of oxodrol for 4 weeks. i got milk thistle, ryr, taurine, hawthorne and some other stuff i plan on taking during and post cycle therapy (pct). ive got some rebound xt, aromastin rx, and 6-oxo laying around and im not sure which to use for post cycle therapy (pct). i dont have access to nolva so i need to know which one/ones of these i should use for a 3-4 week post cycle therapy (pct). also would it be bad to take one of them while on cycle? any positive help would be useful
Just tried p-boost after reading some reviews about it. Worked good but pretty pricey. The trial was free but you have to pay for the shipping which was quick. Anyone know any coupon codes for p-boost.com?