Oxycalm Log


New member
Hey folks,

Some of you will better know me as 3D-Nutrition at Anabolex. Been a member here for awhile too, but havent been around much. Wanted to spread the word about Oxycalm. Got some to test from Anabolic Fitness. Been on it 3 days so far, and it's awesome. I don't think I have reached the full potential of it yet, but I can already notice a difference. Being a big guy like I am (6'4", 400plus lbs) and being borderline bi-polar, I have my issues with depression as well and mania. I get loud real easily, and I'm prone to panic attacks and anxiety. I am also a stand up comedian, which kind of goes hand in hand with my mental issues, but that's a story for another time. Anyway, after day 3 now, I feel much calmer when things arent going my way. I'm more patient with my 2 kids (5 and 1) and god knows thats important. I have yet to try it on stage, as I have not had a show yet since I started taking it, but I will continue to post daily progress here. Any questions, feel free to ask, I'll be glad to answer them. Visit www.oxycalm.com for questions on the product itself, if I can't answer it for you.

Big Dave

(copy and paste from meso)
WOW. Day 5. Day 3 of 3 sprays per side 3 X a day. What a difference. I am finally coming out of my shell, saying things I have always wanted to say to people, and not internalizing everything because I don't want to make waves. I didnt take my first sprays until 3pm, since I left the bottle at work, but it never wore off for me. Another positive thing, for me at least, that I noticed, is I am not hungry as often. This may just be stress from my life, but it is a positive for me, I don't feel the need to fill my face all the time.
Thanks for posting your results bro. People like me are really having fun with it.

It's on sale at the AF Store btw
ulter said:
Thanks for posting your results bro. People like me are really having fun with it.

It's on sale at the AF Store btw

Glad to spread the word. Thanks to demonsweat for letting me in on the testing. I can't wait to see how much better I am on stage.

Day 6. Same as day 5. Wife called, said the master cylinder on her car is shot, and we have to take it to the dealer to be fixed. Just spent 500 bucks last week on brakes, drums, rotors, etc, and now this. was angry at first, but that soon faded. MUCH more patient with my kids, and more focused at work. So far so good.
Day 7. More of the same. Didn't lose my temper once today. In my life, that's a rarity. I'm still animated like usual, and in fact I think my off the cuff humor stuff I do all day is even more witty, things arent so cloudy in my head anymore.
has anyone experience a bloody nose from this. I don't get a full on dripping bloody nose but Deffinately when I blow my nose in the morn its a little bloody. I live in a dry climate, that may be more of a factor though.
truck said:
has anyone experience a bloody nose from this. I don't get a full on dripping bloody nose but Deffinately when I blow my nose in the morn its a little bloody. I live in a dry climate, that may be more of a factor though.

I don't remember hearing of anyone else with the issue, but if anyone else has, please, speak up.
Day 8. Went out to dinner with the wife and kids. Rainforest Cafe. Huge amount of kids around, as it was kids eat for 1.99 day apparently. Baby was crazy, per usual. Left there, went to Disney on Ice. Baby was even more out of control. Never lost my temper once, which is really a marked improvement for me. Was letting cars thru in traffic, didn't freak in the parking garage on the way out. A great night, never would have been that good before, anxiety would have ruined it for me.
No drinking for me today, thought I did have a Coors Light last night, purely for comedy sake. Day 9, had my first comedy shows while using Oxycalm. Definite difference in focus, less jitters on stage, and I am actually meaner to hecklers, and more evil in my jokes. I know I come off with more confidence, and that's what's important. A marked improvement over my last few shows. I also spoke to a bunch of different people last night after my show's, which I normally don't do. We'll see how much better my act gets when I am up in front of larger audiences in the next couple weeks.
Day 10 and 11. Same results. Day 10 was just a normal day, nothing major. Day 11 however, Saturday, was fuck with Dave day. I run a cell phone store, and it seemed every asshole and their mother had something to say to me. I did get angry, but not near as close to flying off the handle as usual. I will, however, admit to taking 2 extra sprays per side after one particular encounter, and 5 mins later I was laughing about it. This stuff really knocks me down a couple levels with my stress and anger, though it has had no negative effect on my sarcastic nature, if anything, it has made me worse, where I'm now saying things I normally wouldn't, which is helpful to my comedy career, what little of it I have :).
Day 12. More of the same. Had the day off, the only time I was tested was when my 5 year old punched me square in the nose. I didn't get really angry, just a little frustrated. Still using 3 squirts a side 3 times a day.
Sorry, been slacking on posting the last few days. I'm up to day 16 I believe, and things are going real well. feeling calm most of the time. I actually did a full 7 minutes on stage last night at an open mic, and only glanced at my notes once, for a new joke I had just written. I never have had that kind of focus before, and I'm impressed. I had a rough patch thursday, with anxiety and nerves, but an extra 2 squirts per side calmed me down instantly. I can't reccomend this stuff enough folks. My next order is going in this week.
Lastest update. Been running low, and no extra cash to place an order, so I havent been taking it every day, and man there is a difference. I'm back to feeling anxious all the time, trouble focusing, but I will say, those feelings arent as strong as they used to be. I'm not quite as stressed as I was before I started taking it, but I am still having issues, since I came off. I have been using it as a tepoarary fix before shows, and I tell you, it works just as well in a once in awhile capacity as it does taking it all the time. I have had my 2 best shows since I started doing comedy this past week, allowing me to focus on material and delivery, and not have to use my notes, recalling everything from memory. I can't wait till payday to pick up more! :)
Sorry I havent been updating. I have been out since April 1st, and IK have noticed a huge difference in the me on oxycalm, and the me without. I'll be ordering more with the wifes paypal account tonight, I can't deal without it anymore:)
This is interesting, I've never heard of this stuff before.

I'm going to try looking into this, is there anything else you can add before I start doing some research? Is it only good for social anxiety/stress?
Thanks for the update. I won't ever live another day of my life without it. Ever since we put it in the AF Store I've been the happiest man on earth. Even on tren. It's amazing.
Ulter...are you running it at the dose on the bottle? I got some and quite frankly I forget to take it. I got it to help with insomnia but with the warmer weather and me being outside as much as possible, I've been sleeping fine.