PCT 11 days in, and Dr is doing fullpannel blood test for my new GF and I


New member
Dating someone new recently and this day and age some people like to be sure partner is clean , no stds I mean.

NOW my question is he marked total test to be taken along with like a full pannel for my general health (the normal stuff)..

BUT WHAT IS HE GOING TO SAY ABOUT MY TEST LEVELS? where would they be at 11 days into pct ( almost a month since last pin)...

So do I need to be concerened hes going to know whats up with me using AAS by what this test will show???
Should I pin .25ml of 200mg cyp to get my test up just a tad for this test?

(600 cyp/stacks mid cycle, stopped hcg 2 weeks after last pin, dbol oral at end of cycle was used. )

thanks, guys and gals,
Odd to pull testosterone if he's just supposed to be doing an STD screen. Girlfriend know you cycle?

Your test levels are going to be tough to call, but you're likely within range (possibly on the lower side), which shouldn't raise any eyebrows. The only thing I can think of that could indicate AAS use would be if he pulls LH/FSH, or an actual AAS panel - which I doubt.
Well I took blood work done and got the results. i didnt know what to do, so i freaked out. I pinned .75 ml of 200cyp test thurdsday night and got blood done next morning first thing. My total testosterone was 456 with in healthy range.
NOW does the pin I did 12 hours before the blood test been able to work that fast or did I just completely mess up my PCT for no reason.
Well I took blood work done and got the results. i didnt know what to do, so i freaked out. I pinned .75 ml of 200cyp test thurdsday night and got blood done next morning first thing. My total testosterone was 456 with in healthy range.
NOW does the pin I did 12 hours before the blood test been able to work that fast or did I just completely mess up my PCT for no reason.

Hard to call, but as you dodged the bullet - I'd say it was worth it. :)
I mean 12 hours for Cyp to get in, is that normal, or was I on track with PCT if my levels were already where they were brfore cycle? And what Do I do now? Re do PCT again or run a 8 week cycle?
What was the downside of having your blood work show low Test? I'm guessing your afraid the doc will see a muscled guy and think something's off? Just asking.
I mean 12 hours for Cyp to get in, is that normal, or was I on track with PCT if my levels were already where they were brfore cycle? And what Do I do now? Re do PCT again or run a 8 week cycle?

The problem with giving you a generalized answer is that we all recover at different rates. I know guys that bounce back pretty quickly, and some that don't recover fully until months after PCT.

Soooo, instead of beating yourself up over it mentally, just be happy that you pulled through and came out on top. :)

I personally would restart PCT, just to be 100% certain that you're giving your body it's best possible chance at a full recovery.
What was the downside of having your blood work show low Test? I'm guessing your afraid the doc will see a muscled guy and think something's off? Just asking.

I didnt want to have a extrememly low test level because, he told me I didnt Need TRT, but, I wanted to cycle, and I was trying to keep him from knowing I did my last cycle.
The problem with giving you a generalized answer is that we all recover at different rates. I know guys that bounce back pretty quickly, and some that don't recover fully until months after PCT.

Soooo, instead of beating yourself up over it mentally, just be happy that you pulled through and came out on top. :)

I personally would restart PCT, just to be 100% certain that you're giving your body it's best possible chance at a full recovery.

Ugh, restart PCT, I have to get more supplies and for the past month after no pinning and using the clomid and nolva I have been a little crybaby bitch.... lol..
I hate to say it, but I think I am going to re buy my PCT items and do a short blast of 8 weeks with Cyp and deca or tren.

I mean I went a month without a ny pins, would now be in my 17th day of PCT (after my 18 day weighting peroid) so I am screwed in the middle here.
Ill even kick it off with Dbol to make this short cycle harder hitting and then begin my PCT after this run.