pct after being on for 11months


New member
I been on for 11 months, but not on cycle the whole time. I did 2 cycles in 11 months but cruised on 200mg inbetween cycles. The first cycle (this wasnt my first cycle ever) was 15 weeks. I did test e @625mg for 16weeks. Eq @800mg for 15 weeks. Tren a @100mg eod for first 6 weeks. And anavar @50mg ed last 6 weeks. Then i cruised on 200mg test e. 4 months later i did an 8 week cycle of test prop 100mg eod and tren a @ 1.5 shots eod of 100mg/ml which comes out to about 450mg week i think. Now im back on test e @ 200mg week. I want to come off and see if i can recover before i continue to stay on test for life. My question is how much hcg should i blast before i start a pct? For my pct i was just going to do nolva 40/40/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/25 with aromasin 12.5 eod throughout pct.

i ran aromasin at 12.5 eod throughout both cycles but not while cruising. I took caber while on tren e3d. I used no hcg at all.
I gained about 50 lbs of muscle over the 11months. And I donated blood once while on eq. My test was low 420 before i started. I probably gained 3 inches on my arms n my bench went up 100 lbs