PCT after Test 250 and Anvar Cycle

Nick TT

New member
Hi this is my first cycle.

I have been running test E for about 15 weeks now, and anvar for about 8.

Cycle has been

250mg test E Monday and Thursday.
25mg Anvar Morning and Before workout.


Start of cycle 185 LBS
End 201 LBS
Bodyfat 10%

What i am wondering about is PCT.

i can't say that i feel that my balls has shrunk that much. But everywhere i read it seems you need both nolvadex and clomid.
Atm i only have nolva on hand.
What i am wondering is how should i run my PCT when should i start?
Do i need both Nolva and Clomid?

Your answers are highly appreciated :)!
your barely running a cycle at 250mg of test per week? what are your test levels now? have you had bloodwork done? no mention of hcg?
Read the beginner cycle stickys. You should've had your pct planned out and stocked up before you even started your cycle. You'll find out after pct if you should've added clomid too...