Hi this is my first cycle.
I have been running test E for about 15 weeks now, and anvar for about 8.
Cycle has been
250mg test E Monday and Thursday.
25mg Anvar Morning and Before workout.
Start of cycle 185 LBS
End 201 LBS
Bodyfat 10%
What i am wondering about is PCT.
i can't say that i feel that my balls has shrunk that much. But everywhere i read it seems you need both nolvadex and clomid.
Atm i only have nolva on hand.
What i am wondering is how should i run my PCT when should i start?
Do i need both Nolva and Clomid?
Your answers are highly appreciated !
I have been running test E for about 15 weeks now, and anvar for about 8.
Cycle has been
250mg test E Monday and Thursday.
25mg Anvar Morning and Before workout.
Start of cycle 185 LBS
End 201 LBS
Bodyfat 10%
What i am wondering about is PCT.
i can't say that i feel that my balls has shrunk that much. But everywhere i read it seems you need both nolvadex and clomid.
Atm i only have nolva on hand.
What i am wondering is how should i run my PCT when should i start?
Do i need both Nolva and Clomid?
Your answers are highly appreciated !