PCT related question- Epi Cycle


New member
Currently on a fairly mild and short cycle - Epistane 30mg daily, and 4 tabs daily of IML Epi Andro for four weeks
My planned PCT includes clomid (50, 25, 25, 12.5), PhytoTest, Testoboost, and stinging nettle(for SHBG)
and L-Dopa ( prolactin). My question is in regards to
anti aromatase. I have read some reports saying not to start any too early as estrogen
will already be in the dirt from the Epistane /EpiAndro combo (joints are dry as is - week 2.5).
Others say to start it right away as you want to prevent whatever testosterone left from converting to estrogen,
and DAA in testoboost can increase estrogen.

I have both exemestane (aromasin) and Erase ( this seems to do little for me regarding estrogen from
past labs) on hand.

So ... question is how to schedule AI during this PCT.

Sorry if Formatting of this post is crappy - user interface doing weird things.
I use to take AI during PCT but been told not to. I for now only take Human Grade SERM such as Nolva or Clomid followed with DAA right after I am done with my cycle. The only time you would wait between the dosage of AAS and SERM is whenever you are pinning the AAS and it has a Ester it in causing it to last a good amount of days or so in your body.

So just do your Clomid with DAA (or any other test booster but DAA alone should do the job) and you should be good to go. Only other things would be multi-vitamin and so on.